
Who started the rumor that Palin has more experience than Obama?

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My turn.


Sarah Palin: Mayor of a town with 9000 people

OBAMA: Community Organizer for 5 years

Sarah Palin: Governor for 2 years

OBAMA: State legislature for 7 years

Sarah Palin: ? for 0 years.

OBAMA: U.S. Senator for 2 years

Obama: 14 years experience

Palin: about 5 years.

Pssssttt copy and paste the above part, it will be on my profile if you ever need it ;) ;) ;)

I made this myself, so it is not spam because it relates to the question.

The question is Who was the first person to say that Palin has more experience.




  1. heres more for you

    Obama: went to Harvard Law school

    Palin: went to some state school

    Obama: belives in the very real threat of Global Warming

    Palin: a skeptic

    I'm going with the more educated and more serious view on things Obama 08

  2. Finally someone who understands!!  

  3. It's very interesting to me that a nation who is striving to be more education oriented and where most people who possess undergraduate degrees are slowly being considered not good enough in our society are applauding this VP pick.Palin only has a bachelors in journalism and home schools her children, but could be the next VP of the U.S. On the other hand, Obama has a degree from Columbia, a law degree from Harvard, and was a professor for 12 years at one of the top law schools in the nation (University of Chicago ranked #7). What message does this send?

  4. The republicans and Fox News are going to try to really sell her as a qualified candidate.  There are facts that they just can't get around though.

    1.  Her first ambition was to a beauty queen.

    2.  Her second ambition was to be sport reporter, has a degree in journalism.

    3.  She raised a family.  I think this a great positive.

    4.  Due to her having kids, she got involved in PTA

    5. She sat on a city counsel for 4 years.  This is the additional work experience republicans say she has over Obama 5 years as a civil right lawyer in the community.

    6. Most current job: 2 years as Governor.  Obama 3 years as US Senator.  Within these 2 years as Governor she has taken 'The Bridge to Nowhere' funds of 200 million and spent it on airport.  She currently under investigation for abuse of power in the firing of Public Safety Manager that wouldn't fire the trooper in a joint custody battle with her sister.

    They are going to really have to push her out there.


  5. Well, your numbers on Palin are wrong and your numbers on Obama are skewed.

    Do you *know* what he did as a community *organizer* (wink, wink)  He did things like find tutors for kids.  I don't think that goes a long way in politics.


    City Council 1992-1996:  Elected for two terms (4 years)

    Mayor: 1996-2002  Elected for two terms, (4 years)  Also elected president of the Alaska Conference of Mayors

    Ethics Commissioner: 2003-2004 (1 year) Governor Murkowski appointed Palin Ethics Commissioner of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.  She resigned in protest over what she called the "lack of ethics" of fellow Alaskan Republican leaders.

    Governor:  2006-2008 (2 years)

    Palin:  Grand total of 11 years in service to elected/appointed positions.  

    Palin GOVERNED for six years as mayor and Governor.

    Obama:  Grand total of 9 years in service in elected positions.  As Senator (state and federal) his job was to talk about policies, propose policies, and vote on policies.  NO EXPERIENCEWITH GOVERNING -- AT ALL!!!!!!!)

  6. Community organizer for 5 years?  Give me a break.

    They're not even running for the same office.

  7. Palin owned two different companies and met a payroll. Obama just voted.

    Obama is no Governor. He is just a senator that votes, plain and simple.

    Palin owned two different companies and met a payroll. Obama just voted.

    Obama is no Governor. He is just a senator that votes, plain and simple.

    Obama has a dismal money management record. Citizens Against Government waste (largest watch dog group with 1 million nonpartisan members) gives him a 10% which they consider "hostile to taxpayers" (the worst rating). Simply put, Obama doesn't know how to manage money... and especially your money.

    On the other hand Palin has a proven record of managing money and not wasting it.

    The real shame is that we are talking about a Vice President where it is clear she has more experience than Obama and they guy is running for the leader of the free world.

    It is just nuts that someone who has done little more than vote on issues is going to try to manage and lead something larger than any other corporation. On top of that be the Commander and Chief of a Military that he has never participate in, and intends to cut.

    Obama hasn't created a SINGLE bill that has passed that qualifies him for president. And that is his JOB... to make and pass bills. He failed at that. The only experience that he has, he was a failure.

    And he claims he is going to "reach across the aisle." The truth is that he has not be capable of doing so. His change is to do nothing. Cut and run, give in when the going gets tough, and make a beautiful speech that will convince terrorist to be our friend. Stupid, stupid, and more stupid.

    LOL! Billy... you're making Obama look worse. Community Organizer? That's what kids do right out of college and those that can't find a job.

    A Governor "manages" government, a Senator or State legislator simply "votes." A vast difference and the reason so many Presidents have been former Governors... it is closest related to President.

  8. Obama community Agitator 5 years.  He was never a community organizer.  

    Sorry, pal.  She's a Gov, he's just a senator.  

    Her experience Trumps his.


  9. The desperate McCain supporters. It's all they have left.

  10. I think she has as much experice as he has. Getting elected to the US Senate and start running for President the same day. The way I see it, he has little to any experience at that level. I see you are counting the time he spent with Rev Wright. Oh, well, I think Sarah is going to energize the base and stand by for some real change in Washington.   God Bless Sarah Palin


    She didn't sit in a racist church for more than 20 years, listening to Jeremiah Wright spewing hateful, racial slurs about hardworking Americans,  like the Obamas did!  Not 2 years...more than 20....

    TWENTY YEARS!!!!..................................

    Got that?!

  12. in total, the Obama - Biden ticket is more qualified to govern.

    as far as that wikipedia link, i listened to a report on NPR yesterday, an interview with one of the wiki internal people....  Palin's profile was edited quite heavily the night before the announcement.  so much so they took note.  her beauty contest experience was down played, as was the investigation into her abuse of power (firing a guy who wouldn't fire her soon to be ex- brother in law.)

    She is pro Big Oil, her husband is employed by Big Oil (BP) half of the year. She wants to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and she filed a lawsuit to remove the Polar Bear from the endangered species list. She supports aerial gunning of wolves.

    She is more right-wing than George Bush.

  13. The republicans of course.

    Simply the best, says it best.

    ADD: LOL, I laugh at these idiots who diminish what it takes to be a successful community organizer. Being a comm  org, takes discipline, know how, organization, motivation, concern and management, all the things it takes to be a great president.

    JW, you forgot that Obama was a constiutional law professor. You also forgot to mention that he majored in Poli Sci, with an emphasis on international relations, that's all experience buddy.

  14. The Haters™ aka. The McCain Supporters.

  15. the same people that say bush is smart. they cant prove it with documentation or even proof that he was a great national guardian, and i guess if you want some one who flip flops then she is your woman,

    she can do a flop dive off the bridge to no where,

  16. Lets try that again with the real information

    Sarah Palin: City Council member 4 Years

    Obama: Community Organizer for 4 years

    Sarah Palin: Mayor 4 Years

    Obama: State legislature for 6 years

    Sarah Palin: Governor of Alaska 2 years.

    Obama: U.S. Senator for 2 years

    So far as I can tell they have almost equal experience. Once again I have to point out that she isnt running for President.

    Simply - Your facts on bills are wrong. Obama has not written a single bill since he became a US senator

    War 4 - Global warming has not been proven scientifically yet. Infact since 2001 the global temps have gone down and in the last two years it has been in a free fall to the point that some scientists are talking about ice ages again. Oh and since when is the University of Idaho just some state school?

  17. Barry community organizer,name one initiative he completed? Senator in two years he's spent 134 days in the senate and has only pushed one bill that even Harry Reid tabled. Your fooling yourself if actually think people by that garbage. You guys are running scared because Palin has more experience in GOVERNMENT.

  18. Obama 10,000 bills in state senate and

    Obama: (some, not all)

    Senate Accomplishments:

    Since entering the U.S. Senate in January 2005, Senator Obama has written approximately 890 bills and co-sponsored an additional 1096.

    Senators Obama and McCain have been running to be the nominee for President for their parties since January 2007. Therefore the 890 bills written by Senator Obama and the 1096 he co-sponsored all occurred in a 2-year span. That shows that he is a prolific and tireless Senator.

    Because of the long-drawn-out nature of passing laws in the Senate many of his bills are still in committee and some were vetoed by republicans. Senator Obama has an impressive record by anyone’s standard.

    For someone who supposedly has no record (according to his competitors) his record of accomplishments are extraordinarily impressive and inspiring.

    · Democratic Republic of the Congo Relief, Security, and Democracy Promotion Act.(This is the first federal legislation to be enacted with Obama as its primary sponsor) Became law

    · Secure Fence Act. Authorized construction of fencing and other security improvements along the United States–Mexico border

    Became law

    · The Lugar–Obama Nuclear Non-proliferation and Conventional Weapons Threat Reduction Act. The Bill expanded the Nunn–Lugar cooperative threat reduction concept to conventional weapons, including shoulder-fired missiles and anti-personnel mines Became Law

    · The “Coburn–Obama Transparency Act” eliminated gifts of travel on corporate jets by lobbyists to members of Congress and the establishment of , a web search engine launched in December 2007 and run by the Office of Management and Budget to require lobbyists to disclose the candidates, leadership PACS or political parties for whom they collect or arrange contribution and the combined amount of the contributions Became law

    · Amendment to the State Children’s Health Insurance Program providing one year of job protection for family members caring for soldiers with combat-related injuries Passed in Senate

    · Energy Policy Act of 2005 to add $200 million for Function 270 (Energy) for the demonstration and monitoring of carbon capture and sequestration technology by the Department of Energy Passed in Senate

    · The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act (after amendments became the Secure Fence Act which became law) Passed in Senate

    · Education Bill. Require that the Director of Mathematics, Science, and Engineering Education to establish a program to recruit and provide mentors for women and underrepresented minorities who are interested in careers in mathematics, science and engineering. Passed in Senate

    · Summer Term Education Program. Supports summer learning opportunities for low-income students in the early grades to lessen summer learning losses that contribute to the achievement gaps separating low-income students from their middle-class peers Passed in Senate

    · Iraq War De-Escalation Act of 2007 a bill to cap troop levels in Iraq, begin phased redeployment, and remove all combat brigades from Iraq before April 2008. Republicans voted against

    · Iran Sanctions Enabling Act supporting divestment of state pension funds from Iran’s oil and gas industry Republicans voted against

    · Sponsored an amendment to the Defense Authorization Act adding safeguards for personality disorder military discharges, and calling for an official review following reports that the procedure had been used inappropriately to reduce government costs Republicans voted against

  19. chappye7, who is Barry? There is no one named Barry in this election.

  20. She has 13 years of political experience. Stop lying.

  21. Some McCain supporters, clearly. And time-wise, Obama has loads more experience than her. But technically, she does have more executive experience than anyone else running, as she was governor of Alaska.

    Really, though, experience is a moot point all around. Lincoln and FDR were inexperienced and I'm sure we can all agree that they were decent presidents.

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