
Who stated the Russia Georgia war

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Who stated the Russia Georgia war




  1. The separatists. /

  2. They tried to interrupt the activities of the Russian-funded seperatists, so in response, Russia's going to bomb the h**l out of their cities.

    I hope this pushes Ukraine into a protectorate with the EU or something immediate instead of waiting on the usual processes.

    Nobody's forgotten this strategy, Hitler used it first.

  3. Georgia attacked Rebals within its own borders(witch it had every right to do) and Russia responded by saying that Georgia is attacking Russian nationals and went on a full blowin military offensive(witch they have no right to do) Russia claims they did it to protect their citizens but come on the amout of troops they had all lined up at the border and the fact they launched the same day as the olympics....Russia is out of line and I want to see NATO and the EU to egt their fingures out of their asses and do someting so what they don't want war neither do I but Hitler was doing the same thing in 1935 he started invading countries sighting the miss treatment of their foreign nationals and they also did it under the cover of the olympics it jsut see like Russia is trying the same thing and now I hear Russia is talkin of an invasion of the Urkrain we need to make a stand and say no to the Russians....

  4. Georgia.

  5. stated? you mean started....Georgia but Russia is fighting like there is no tomorrow

  6. In fact Georgia begin the war

    War Begin Chronology


    2:00 - Georgia started to bombing capital of South Osetia (breaking UN resolution) - Tskhinvali

    Russian Inform about it Immediately and call Security Council UN, but unfortunately without result. (CNN and BBC are keep silent)

    Towards 11 : 00 More than 1400 civilians and 12 Russian Peacekeepers killed by Georgian artillery. Tskhinvaly is under tanks and artillery fire.

    Towards 12 : 00 Georgian troops enter to part of Tskhinvaly.

    Towards 13 : 00 Russians peacekeeper forces enter to South Osetia through Rockskiy tunnel. Georgia threaten with war with Russia.

    Towards 16 : 00 Russians peacekeeper forces enter to Tskhinvaly.

    Georgian forces fall back.

    Saakashvilly (also CNN and BBC) begin talk about Russian agression.

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