
Who still believes this global warming hoax nonsense?

by Guest64348  |  earlier

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Scientists are now *certain* that global warming will cause more and stronger...earthquakes. Gimme a break already. Nobody knows for sure what is causing global warming or how long it will last. This nonsense is out of control.




  1. I definitely don't believe in global warming.

    By the way, I read the link, and it's unbelievable that they are now attributing earthquakes, a geological phenomenon, to global warming. This defies all logic.

  2. I believe in global warming (I'm in climate science) and I used to be in seismology and I find this hard to believe at first glance.  I'll have to find this guy's papers and think about this some more. It has nothing to do with proving or disproving global warming, though, that is well established.

  3. global warming... sucks

  4. well, global warming isnt something to be taken lightly, and it isnt a hoax.

    but im not certain if it would cause earthquakes..


  5. A large portion of modern weather is one thing........MAN MADE. Not because of emissions or pollution but because of advanced electromagnetic weather control by the ELITES.

  6. That is a new idea, and right now Dr. Chalko might be the only one who is "certain" of the causal relationship between GW and increased seismic activity at this time.

    I don't know a great deal about seismic activity, but to me this idea sounds plausible.  

    "NASA measurements from space confirm that Earth as a whole absorbs at least 0.85 Megawatt per square kilometer more energy from the Sun than it is able to radiate back to space. This 'thermal imbalance' means that heat generated in the planetary interior cannot escape and that the planetary interior must overheat. Increase in seismic, tectonic and volcanic activities is an unavoidable consequence of the observed thermal imbalance of the planet," said Dr. Chalko.

    The connection might not be obvious intuitively, but what is so non-sensical?

  7. It wont stop theres to many big cars that cause smog and other natural diasaters

  8. Well, anyone with half a brain would, and dose know it is real....

  9. Ignorance is bliss. Some still prefer to live in bliss. They simply want to pretend it doesn't exist to ease their guilty conscience, or continue to line their pockets while destroying the earth. It's not a hoax, only oil tycoons, gas guzzlers and morons think it's a hoax.

  10. Everyone with half a brain believes it.

    Here's a list of 31,000 scientists that have a full brain, and know it is a hoax.

  11. Global Warming is a crock!

  12. No doubt there is climate change, but whether or not it is of human cause is the question. My guess is it probably isn't. The Earth has been going through stages of cooling and warming for 4.5 billion years. Our history as humans is a tiny blip on the time line like ants. Why are all the other planets experiencing rising temperatures if it's all our fault?  We only amount to emitting an equivalent 3% of natural co2. It could even be methane causing a lot of the damage. But regardless of  what the cause is, "Global Warming" has become the political bandwagon of this millennium. I see it as a tool to get voters by scaring the c**p out of them and then offering to tax them to "fix" it, possible or not. Preserving the environment is always a good thing, but I for one don't want to throw money at something that isn't close to being proven to work.

  13. Just shows you what the media only wants to show the sheep and they eat this c**p right up. Come on sheep open your eyes and see the BS they are filling your little brains with. Global Warming is causing stronger earthquakes, now I have heard it all. FN scary world we live in today.

  14. Most all of the world's scientists believe it.

    There's a lot less controversy about this is the real world than there is on Yahoo answers:

    And vastly less controversy in the scientific community than you might guess from the few skeptics talked about here:

    EVERY major scientific organization has issued an official statement that this is real, and mostly caused by us.  The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

  15. I had to chuckle--Thomas Chalko? The same Thomas Chalko that wrote this?:

    Or this?:

    Thomas Chalko is a nut, and I think everyone on Y!A would agree.



    After a little searching, i found some more interesting things by Dr. Chalko

    Look at the great shirts he sells:

    A true pioneer:

  16. Don't be fooled! global warming is caused by the loss of pirates!


  17. This looks to me like some AP reported had to fill space and didn't want to do any fact-checking or leg work.  The entire article is basically quotes from one person (Tom Chalko) identified as an Australian scientist.  

    There's no mention of this report being published in a peer reviewed scientific journal, so that alone tells me this may lack credibility. A quick google of him found out that he's not a seismologist, climatologist, or anything else remotely associated with the study of global warming.  He has engineering and laser holography degrees.

    This is a perfect example of why you doubters need to quit relying on news articles, op-ed pieces, blogs by non-climate scientists, etc. for your information about global warming. If you want to know the truth about global warming, read the actual scientific literature or articles from actual climate research facilities like NASA, NOAA, UCAR, etc.

    And in answer to your question, I still believe global warming is real and so do these 200 well respected, highly credentialed, published climate scientists from around the world:

    And so do these 619 well respected, highly credentialed, published climate scientists (sorry for any overlapping names):

  18. Hoax my butt. Global warming causing earthquakes is bull, but it IS melting the polar bears home right out from under they're feet. Belive me, I've been there, and I've seen ice falling apart rapidly.

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