
Who stipulates the adult, child ratio of childcare settings?

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Who stipulates the adult, child ratio of childcare settings?




  1. dont know but i know my setting dont always follow it and it takes the p when im left supervising 30kids on an outdoor enclosed area when im only meant to have 15. those who make the guidelines should enforce them, if i said anything i'd get a lot of **** as im not a level 3 nursery nurse, and for the time in question im merely a lunchtime supervisor, but i could do a d**n better job than them on common sense alone.

  2. The state unless it's a registered ministry.  I believe there requirements are differen't than a regular center or home.

  3. The state

  4. OFSTED, Check the early years foundation stage statutory guidlines the ratios are 1:3 for babies under 12 months-----1:8 for pre school, although ratios are higher if there is a qualified teacher

  5. The agency that licenses the programs determines the ratios. This is usually something like the Dept. of Social Services or State Ed.. If you do a search you should easily be able to find the information on line.

  6. Department of Human Services is who our licensing is through and they have a handbook that states everything that we have to do in a childcare setting.  Either in a home setting or in a facility setting.

  7. Licensing. I have a day care in California, so if you need any info e-mail me.

  8. The state makes the guidelines to follow, but upscale  &  more expensive child care centers as well as churches usually make their ratios lower than the requirement for a safer environment.

  9. In England:

    It is OFSTED through their inspection criteria called National Care Standards. These are published by SureStart ( and is based on age and size of the rooms.

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