
Who suffers greater loss after a break-up? The guy or girl?

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Well, my best fren n her bf broke up mutually. But her bf seemed to be cool about it. She is the one crying every night with Ben n Jerry's.




  1. The one who suffers most is the one left behind.  

  2. It seems like it is always the girl and the guys just seem as if they don't care. But then again, I'm a girl so i wouldn't know how guys feel.

  3. The girl because the guy's the one who cheated on her

  4. if the guy broke up with the girl, then the girl

    if the girl broke up with the guy, then the guy

    i think us girls suffer more. idk why, ive never seen guys get so emotional after a breakup

  5. Which ever one was more committed to the relationship

  6. Well in my case... The guy was cheating on me. I'm 9 months pregnant and i'm going to pop any minute. So, I called the other girl and told her what was going on. Anyway, now she hates him even more, I hate him and i'm not planning on calling him when I have the baby.

    So, hopefully he is hurting like crazy. Losing 2 girls and a baby in one night, wow, he deserves how he feels.

  7. both claim to suffer.

    Though girls get more attached, faster.

      It's an endless, stupid chain.

  8. girls...i shud kno

  9. who ever didnt want to break up

  10. You can't generalize as it depends who did the breaking up as is not always the guys who do the breaking up........

  11. depends on who broke up with whom

  12. that depends.  its different each time.

  13. I think the girl feels it more than a guy does. The guy will probably just get drunk and hook up with another woman.

  14. depends from person to person. you can't just say the girl or guy. some people move on easy and others can't let go, regardless of gender.

    so i can't say really.  

  15. I guess it depends.  On who broke up with who and why they break up with each other

  16. The girl suffers more specially if she was very much in love. The guys always seems to get over it and go to the next.

  17. Whoever got broken up with.

  18. guy: suffer harder, but move on more quickly!

    girl:suffer longer!

  19. eqaul

  20. i dont know usually you hear more about the girl being upset, i think guys keep it in more

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