
Who suports what the US is doing with iraq and the middle east ?

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mmm do u support the US? or do u think it's about oil? mmm do u support that the US is supporting the war in phalastine 2?

please answer and please tell me ur nationality bec it's a survery




  1. the fact is a stable supply of oil is absolutly necessary for the USA

    ....the oil reserve in the USA is too small

    ....the port of Kuwait and UAI is critical to oil shippments to the USA

    ....Iraq invaded KUwait in order to interrupt that supply

    ....Iraq also allows hostile groups to organize and supply their terrorism is by some coincidence, that the USA must stabilize the supply route of oil shipments ot the USA and combat terrorism, all within the same country's geographic region

    ....please notice the unique geographic location of Afganistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Kuwait fact the USA is combating terrorism in it's home port which is dispersed chaotically among that region

    ....I support the de facto effort spearheaded by the USA, that eventually will 'control' terrorism throughout the entire western world

    (I do not suport Isalm that repeatedly ignores repsonsiblity, by refusing to acknowledge and irradicate terrorism by Muslim's performed in the name of Allah, proclaiming Islamic faith to all the world who will feel their psychosis)

    ....truth prevails, and they will get al they have asked for

    ....De Oppresso Liber !!!

  2. I am American and believe that no one but the President has the top secret information that makes him act on certain issues, including the war in the middle east.  

    Everyone wants to be an arm chair quarterback and "blamer", but that's the reason other countries become bold (Russia), (Iran), (Venezuela), they see our President as not being "liked" and it makes it easy to step in and do their damage (Georgia).

  3. Yes I support what the U.S is doing in Iraq and the middle east... but I do not support what Iran..terrorists and muslims are doing to the world


  4. Questions like this make me wonder if the person asking the question has been out of his/her cave in the last year or so.  "It's just about oil" is a mantra that does not work anymore.  Check out the price of gas.  "It's just about oil" is supposed to separate the the warm and fuzzy liberals from the greedy capitalist, but when the lights go out because we cannot fuel the generators we will all be in the dark together.  As to your original question.  Do you believe that the people of the Middle East should be stuck with the tyrannical governments they have always lived with?  Do you think that the bully boys should continue to rule because they use terror to subjugate their people?  Do you think the people of the Middle East deserve what they have for governments, and we should leave them to it--even when the bullies that rule them show signs of wanting to expand their tyranny around the world?  What would happen in Iraq if the people of the country had a say in their government?  Would they vote to have schools, hospitals, and decent roads rather than elaborate palaces for their rulers and lots of weapons for those leaders to rattle?  Yes, I support the US, and yes I want the supply of oil to be secure.  That is because I want to get up in the morning, switch on the lights, switch on the computer, and begin my day.  I want to be able to go where I need or want to go--mass transit or car both use energy.  I want the deleveries to be made at the grocery store and the drug store so that I can buy what I need.  I want my fellow citizens to be able to have jobs and decent lives.  

  5. I dont support the war in afghanistan- the taliban never attacked us, and alqueda has already left

    I dont support the war in Iraq- it exists to steal the oil, and for war profiteering

    I dont support the isreali persecution of the Palestinians either

    I live in the USA

  6. The oil companies aligned with Bush and all the war machine making weapons for our forces at the expence of US tax payers,who dont see the spoils of Iraq's invasion.

  7. Asian, I fully support the US did and doing now.

  8. Yes, I support the troops- incredible men and women...

    Do I think that it's all about oil? I'm not really briefed on the top secret intelligence we have regarding the entire war, so I doubt that I can make a completely educated assumption. My knee jerk reaction to the question though is no.

    United States of America

    ps- GO TEAM USA!!!!! (aka. olympic team USA...)

  9. i support our troops where ever they are , i worry about my daughter being sent to iraq but i know if we don't do the job right we will be back. as far as Palestine that's Israels baby

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