
Who takes more baths, you or baby?

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I think my 7 month old has missed one bath in the last 2 months.. Me, on the hand, am lucky to get one 5 days a week. How about you ladies?

I have to say it is 10 times better than those first couple of months, and that was with help!




  1. Well, I havent taken a bath since my baby was born and she is 8 weeks old, but I have showered everyday. (if I have to wake up at 3 in the morning to shower ill do it lol) I have to because I go to work, and I hope this is the case for you, I hope you shower at least once a day or once every two days. So in my logic, yes my baby gets more baths then me, since I give her a bath every other day right now. Oh and I helped fine a somewhat solution, babies usually fall asleep in car seats, so I put my in a car seat, walk around the house until she falls asleep or stops crying (couple minutes usually) then bring her in the bathroom with me while I shower. If i hear her start to cry, i rush to get everything done and get out to see whats wrong.

  2. I take more, because I have more body odor than a baby!  My baby gets at least 5 baths a week, I'd say.  I get 7-8.

  3. I get one every day, my daughter gets one every other day.  Her skin is too sensitive to get any more than that.  I have a great husband who makes everything easier.  He usually takes her into the shower with him while I hand off soap, shampoo, and towels (I'm afraid I'd drop her still, lol).  We've got it down to an art form.

  4. Good question. My little one gets a bath every night by her Daddy with her very excitable 4 year old brother. I have one about 5 times a week. As for my hubbie. He gets about 2. (explains the stench)

  5. ha ha..I love this question. I was just telling my don, "mommy really really needs to shower today!" My son gets more baths than I do...he gets one at least every other day. I'm lucky to squeeze one in every other day on a good week. My son's 10 1/2 motnhs old and screams bloody murder everytime I take a shower....even if he's right outside of the bathroom (door open) and playing!!

  6. my baby definitely..i haven't had a bath in ages..i just have time to shower (thats including soaping my body and washing my hair) everyday but long baths?? no time for that...

  7. My baby, definitely. He gets one every day now since it's so hot and sticky outside(we're outside a lot, he LOVES it).

    ETA: LOL, Mystic, it would be nice.. wouldn't it?

  8. I actually think it's about equal around here. My daughter is prone to drier skin so I try to bathe her every other day instead of everyday.

  9. My baby, for sure.  When he first came home, I didnt get to bathe very much at all, I would really try to get one evry second day though!  Now that he is 4 mths I can bath every day because I know that once he is sleeping he wont wake till morning!

  10. gross... i take a bath shower every night and wash up every morning my daughter get's a bath every other night becasue she has eczema but she get's wiped down on the day she does not get a bath. so i would say i take more baths... you need to take a bath or shower every day nasty!!!!!!!

  11. Um, definitely me.  I only bathe my 2 1/2 month old every other day.  I on the other hand usually take 2 showers a day.  The warm water feels good on my stretched and slowly healing nether regions.  But, it is tough to get those showers, I have to do them when my husband's around or when baby is sound asleep enough to put in his bed.

  12. That depends.  In the winter the kids bath more because they are bored.  In the summer I bath more because I get over-rheated too easily and the kiddie pool isn't big enough for me and I can't run around in my underwear ;)

  13. We both get the same amount....I never go without and neither does he....

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