
Who tend to be more helpfull western or eastern germans?or they are the same?

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pls answer me if u have lived in both parts




  1. Like everywhere in the world you have those and those, 18 years after reunion you have the people mixed, many western germans moved to east germany and vice versa.

    One exception are some NeoNazi groups in a few cities of eastern germany which put non white people into trouble or even beat them up, but thas nothing to do with germans east or west in general. We had the zocker world competition in germany last year and more than 1 million foreign visitors came and all around the world you hear them having been happy with the welcoming mentality and enjoyed the outgoing  multicultural mix around germany.

  2. I have had just as much help in both, and I have lived and traveled the last 18 years there.

    So it really depends on you too in many ways, how you present yourself and if you are not rude and try to talk in their language is always helpful.

    Have fun! Intergration since the unification has been huge and the population is very mixed up now though there are still two mind sets from east and west which is slowly dissipating over time.

  3. sadly: neither

  4. Both

  5. Well as born and raised german I might be able to help with that question. Lived int eh eastern part for 19 years and studied in the western part for 3 years. Well both sides are not any different really. They both have their good and their bad sides. If you go into a store you will hardly get a smile from either smile unless you are really cheery yourself. The key is if you think they are rude don't take it personal. We tend to take our emotions to work, especially in retail.

    Hope this helps a bit.

  6. It depends on the people you have to deal with.

    The elder people in East Germany often do not speak English as they were forced to learn russian instead.

    And there still are differences in mentality West Germany beeing much more open towards foreigners due to the Eastern part beeing locked up for 45 years that does not vanish in a few years .

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