
Who the fishyman? His one way tailof anew world order ,Listen my children of awhale of a tail of corruption an

by  |  earlier

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blunder. of afisherman hellto the rush whom he will crush.h**l tothe Chiefwhile he floundersof princeables of our founders, His actions and deeds to a blunder with a sunder at his great big wonder as we wander to his hammer pounder of a great wonder to anew way of oneder to a new world order .h**l to the war monger Chief the fishyman,callme arebel crusader or son of revolution to this funky new world order of whose order?




  1. Peace on earth must be the battlecry of the people so that the war mongers will be doomed to extinction.

  2. Huh?

  3. dude your short circuting check the breaker or roll another one peace out man

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