
Who the f**k Tokio Hotel think they are?

by  |  earlier

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they're a bunch of ingrates. Now they've placed all their focus on conquering america and their american fans and totally forgot about the european fans,who were the ones who made them big at first. Without the european fans,tokio hotel would be a pile of sh** and never known outside europe. Now they're totally "americanfied"

their youtube channel states their country as United States wtf? Havent they forgot they're German? and their channel always releases new th episodes for one day public,then closes up and any fans not from america are unable to watch them,only american fans are able I used to be a fan of TH but i've totally lost respect for them and their american fanclub thats ridiculous i think they forgot their european fans were the ones who made them who they are today..snobs and ingrates




  1. Your a r****d, Get over it.

    And what the h**l's your question ?

  2. wow. Well, they can do whatever they want. You don't have to get so incensed over it. If they want to be jerks, let them.  

  3. you need to get a life. if you dont like their music, then move on. i dont like miley cyrus, but im not insane and foaming from the mouth now, am i?

  4. Excuse you? They are NOT snobs, ingrates. I suppose you are an angry fan overseas? If you were a fan, you would support them getting bigger. They are going back after the US tour back to Germany, then after the album tour in Europe. It all will work out. They like America yes, but they don't forget their fans in Europe. They know that they are the reason they took off the way that they did. I am a fan, I am not going to be crying around if they go elsewhere for quite sometime. Share them with the world. With their talent they deserve to be worldly famous and all.

  5. I'm sorry you believe expansion is bad.

  6. Hahaha

    They need to go back to Germany.

    America doesn't want them.

  7. If you haven't noticed, it's quite NORMAL for a band to take their music overseas.  I see you're a newbie at this business we call the "music industry".

  8. Okay, reverse question: Who the f**k do I think Tokio Hotel is? ....NOTHING....absolutely NOTHING....!!!!

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