
Who the heck are these guys?

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Are these guys terrorists or are they Chinese Special Forces. If they are, why the heck do they have those black masks over their faces?




  1. Thats the "Friendly Neighborhood Chinese Police Force" ...

    aww aren't they cute.

  2. Special Forces.  I think they're preparing for the Olympics- to protect the sporting areas, etc.  Why are they in masks- so no one can figure out who they are.  They do a lot of tough and dangerous missions- so not letting identity out is crucial for protection and safety.

  3. They would be your local Chinese "Special Forces" police.

    Liking my R.C.M.P. and my country more and more every day..:)

  4. Looks to me like a california swat team on their way to a Dunkin donut shop!!!

  5. They are the Chinese Special Forces. Just like the British SAS they don't usually allow pictures of their members to be shown in the media so as to protect their identities. Makes good sense.

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