
Who the heck is Sarah Palin?

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I keep reading comments about her, but as a Brit I have no idea who she is or what she has done. Anyone want to enlighten me?




  1. Listen to her speech at the convention tonight. I think you will be quite impressed. She is going to address all the outright lies and nasty rumors that are being circulated about her.

  2. McCain's political running mate!

  3. Even people in America don't know who she is. She is the current governor of Alaska. A few years back she was a beauty pageant winner, and she made it to city council in one of the smallest cities in the country. Then she became governor. With no reason people of Alaska voted for her. The only thing she did as governor of the smallest state (which she has only been for 18 months) was advocate pro-life even in cases of rape or incest, and advocate creationism being taught in schools.

    She is completely unexperienced and a terrible leader. McCain only chose her to steal a few evangelical and women's votes.  

  4. She believes that the war on Iraq was God's will.  Does that give you a good idea about her?  

  5. the next vice President and the People of Alaska adore her...and they dont like anybody


    ten points who win

  7. Most importantly she is female and the Republicans obviously think most people too stupid to realise there is a difference between one woman candidate and another.

    As governor of Alaska, she has promoted aerial hunting of wolves by imbeciles with money in helicopters---for fun, you can go club the cubs once the adults are slaughtered.

    She loves the wilderness she is pushing and advocates more drilling for oil in one of the last wilderness area's in the U.S. The Alaskan pipeline has done more ecological damage than it has ever produced oil.

    Thinks that all other wildlife in the state should be hunted to near extinction. Seems she also has no problem cutting down any one that ticks her off. Personally, I think she should go hunting with still active VP, d**k Cheney.

    She calls herself Pro-life, but since since clearly doesn't value any life but her own sorry butt and that of the miserable lousy despots that have about completely destroyed the U.S. and half the world---I wouldn't bet on it. Last election, many Americans left the country disgusted with the way the democratic process was trashed...this time there will be a stampede.

  8. Shes a nobody now, and once she loses she will continue to be a nobody.

  9. Listen to the newspaper, read the tv and believe the media.  Reverse everything, believe nothing and you will be close to what is there.

  10. The Governor of Alaska. If you did a little research, you could have found this out in literal seconds. Idiots.

  11. My child .. Discover the enlightenment of the great Google.

  12. She's the Republican Party Vice Presidential Candidate. So if John McCain wins the US election, she'll be second in command.

  13. She was John McCain's surprise pick for his vice presidential running-mate.

    She an evangelical Christian with strong social conservative views who was a mayor in Alaska for 10 years and has been the Governor for a little over 2. She is most known for slowly but surely cleaning up a lot of corruption in Alaska.

    Don't worry most Americans didn't know who she was until Friday.

  14. John McCain's running mate.

  15. She is the Republican candidate for United States Vice President in upcoming 2008 election.  She also is currently Governor of Alaska.

  16. she is the vp canidate for mcCain who is running for president

  17. Governor of Alaska, the largest geographic state in our country.

    Butt kicker who will stand against the liberal plague and those promoting it. That's why she's being attacked so much by liberals. A great choice, in my opinion.

  18. She is a typical all-American, gun-toting, bear-hunting, mother of 5 who is running as Vice President candidate for the USA  (Motto: '0ne Nation, Undivided') who some time ago was actively calling for Alaska to secede from the USA (Two nations, positively divided)

    Any wiser?

  19. She is John McCain's new running mate.  She will be vice president of the United States if he is elected as president.

  20. Who the heck is Obama?

  21. she is a governor of Alaska and before that mayor. Talk about experience! Her teenage daughter is preagnant and she is against women's rights (anti abortion, even birth control. we can see by her daughter that abestaince works...)

  22. If these two clowns get into power then God help us!

  23. She is the Governor or the State of Alaska, great pick!

  24. The next VP of the USA

  25. michaels missus ?

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