
Who the heck is "Jasmine Peters At Home"? And why is she TD and reporting other users???????

by  |  earlier

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PLUS......she stalks Dave S questions and votes herself BA!

We all know Dave S NEVER chooses BA!

Am I the only one who questions her actions?

WTF is this all about love?

AND………Why report other users?

Answer yourself JASMINE!;_ylt=An8E1SD5EFwCuvxWiHVJjgcgBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080819091049AAir7Hz;_ylt=Av4mLYh_HHy83zsttY6lB5UgBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080819080551AA2kgM3;_ylt=Aoxlw5hfU.O6cn3XCbtYB_8gBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080819053430AALoD6M;_ylt=AoJdVOBTi3hy3aT7v6a1aHYgBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080819052616AAepUCL;_ylt=AnHq8hVuihcuusBxhw9AQlwgBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080821040503AAyvIWC;_ylt=AhBRK.mI2oVIBiB2MG2TqSohBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080822011051AAnywZK

AND that is just the start of it.......

I have sussed out, that this person can get your a/c

Suspended..........does this leave the rest of us off the hook and diminish all superstition?????

Guess I will be gone tomorrow for exposing her….but do I care?

I went once before and came back!




  1. i've  seen the poster   around    a  bit but  not  really  a  regular as  such  i'm  baffled  mrs   G the  mind  boggles   ,

  2. right in what his e-mail says,take note mrsg.

    he sniffed that out months ago.

  3. Well... what can I say...?

    people that talk about the rules too much (like the 1st answerer.. )

    dR bad

    just get BLOCKED by me... ☺

  4. That person must be





                                   just plan nasty

         or all of the above.

  5. Oooh Err Mrs.G.......Like Bex have only seen her around.....Does seem a bit strange though !

  6. WoW!!... Mrs*ahem* Marple.... sorry

    That is some serious detective work... 17 votes for BA.. that is a LOT of accounts.. good luck with keeping your account... ☺

    I am not sure that I get the reporting and TD'ing bit yet.. but you look like you've done your homework.... so i'll trust you on that..

    dR bad

    bl**dy h*ll .. and I thought I had a lot of accounts... anyway .. I don't do reporting ....

    or duvets

  7. well ive received yet another violaion this morning,thats 3 in  two days,cant really point the finger just yet,but when this accounts gone the RIGGSTER will be incognito and going on the feckin warpath.ill have a look now at your links,i might have to give old "JOHN" a nudge???????????

    edit: and to the user at the top,dont give me  that load of tripe about rules and regs,and users cant get you suspended...they feckin can if they keep violating you for no reason,chat and solicitation been the main ones,in my case anyway.

    mrs g....check your e-mails??????????

  8. Don't know who you are referring to but to answer your questions.

    Whoever it is can't suspend you, only Yahoo administrators can do that.

    You can only be suspended for breaking the rules.

    If you break the rules then members of the community will report you.

    Members agreed to abide by the rules when they joined Yahoo

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