
Who the hel2 is the Hunters and Sportsman association?

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And are they in fact pro Obama?




  1. It is an anti-gun organization that tries to disguise itself as pro-gun.

  2. What you have here is a front that makes itself appear as a group of shooters/hunters when in reality they want nothing more than to take away your right to own firearms.

    Obama getting an endorsement from them shows his intentions. McCain.. its your only option unless you want to be a defenseless ninny!

  3. I did some digging and found the following information, which appears to answer your questions. I encourage you to read, not just the answers, but also visit the sites I'm linking to and decide for yourself what you think of this organization.

    (Q1. Who the h**l is the Hunters and Sportsman association?

    (A1.The Hunters & Shooters association is an advocacy group for both hunters and shooters. Unlike the NRA which is only interested in promoting gun ownership, the Hunters & Shooters association wants to promote both hunting (which includes things like wilderness conservation and wildlife management) and responsible gun ownership/use. Unfortunately because the two groups have slightly different agendas, which means that they disagree on which politicians they should support. The NRA is accused by the Hunters & Shooters association of simply supporting politicians agreeing with the latter while ignoring that they may be against the former (and thus not necessarily represent the best interests of sportsmen. In return the NRA accuses the Hunters & Shooters Association of being pro-gun control. If what I'm reading is accurate, the NRA's claims are not exactly correct. The Hunters & Shooters Association is more moderate on the position than the NRA (no gun control), but they claim to support the 2nd amendment.

    (Q2. And are they in fact pro-Obama?

    (A2. It appears they endorsed Obama. According to Wikipedia that's mainly because he voted for the 2006 Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act which prohibited firearms confiscation during a natural disaster (as happened during and immediately following hurricane Katrina). They may also have supported Obama because they feel he's more likely to work to help conserve wild areas than McCain who like George Bush is seen as simply a front man for the megacorps.

  4. No legitimate gun rights organization is pro Obama, nor is any knowlegeable citizen.

    There are a number of anti-gun groups that masquerade under pro-gun sounding names.  

  5. A thinly veiled branch of the Brady Bunch whose agenda is to divide gun owners by disguising themselves as hunters for gun control

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