
Who the h**l is Joe?

by Guest61582  |  earlier

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I am an Englishman called Richard, who speaks perfect English. But when I'm in Philippines I'm constantly called Joe. I also get called Americano and told my English is slang. I have travelled the world and only encounter this in Philippines.




  1. It comes from "GI Joe", due to the fact that the US had major bases here. Filipinos normally do not mean anything negative by it... They are just being friendly. But, to many people here, western=American. Don't take offense... Just shrug it off.

  2. Don't know, Joe.  sorry.

    I found that out in Mexico, too.  They always called me one name.  Kind of like Viet Nam when the ladies were talking to the military personnel.  "What you know, Joe?"

  3. Hi Joe!

    I think its kinda catchy.

  4. ....Joe is the American Serviceman, who promised a Filipina lady that he will marry her and take her to the U.S. with him as soon as the War is over

    ... soon they had a child.. After a while Joe was stationed elsewhere, nobody knows where and nobody cares... for the family he left behind he soon forgets

    ... although so many letters reached him, all was ignored and was replied - never.  The Filipina lady committed suicide for she can bear the pain no more

    .. the child however keeps on looking for her father who she has last seen at age four

    ... she can barely remember his face, all she knows was he was white, speaks English and was called Joe

    ...she keeps on hoping, that one day.. even by chance.. she will meet her father, who by now is in other lady's lap.

    ...and there it started that she called every white man Joe..

    Hey Joe, are you my father!!!

    The End.

  5. Joe just means American or the one who speaks in English.

    This is just a way of greeting or catching your attention.

    Don't take it negatively.

  6. hello to u..

    ok so u was called by many filipino here in our place as JOE

    joe was came from an long long time comercial that was advertise here in the philippines..

    this was the line..

    "hey joe joe romano"

    anyway it was just a joke!

  7. the term joe has been taken from G.I Joe during the settlement of the US military bases here in the Philippines. from then on, any white visiting the Philippines has always been called as "joe". they don't mean anything by that, not to offend.  
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