
Who the h**l is bill murry?

by  |  earlier

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i was working in a sit n chat and one of my co workers and i where trying to figure out the words to cherry pie lol anyways i asked a customer and when he left i got yelled at and the told me it was bill murry. wtf?




  1. lol hes an actor

    thats was popular in like the 80's

  2. OMGosh... he was in Caddy Shack, he was in Groudhog Day!

  3. The crazey actor from Groundhog Day and Ghost busters, go to Bill Murry images once you see his face it will dawn on you

  4. Bill Murray was famous for his role in ghost busters.

  5. Bill Murray is an actor that did most of his best work in the late 70's and early 80's

    He was a regular member of the Saturday Night Live cast in the heyday; he joined the cast after Chevy Chase left.

    You might know him from Meatballs, Caddy Shack (lead), Stripes (lead), Ghostbusters (Venkman), Scrooged (lead), Ground Hog Day (lead), Charlie's Angels (Bosley), among others.

    He's a pretty good comedian (IMO) and plays the dupe and screwball very well.  Next time you see him say "hey!  aren't you Chevy Chase?" and see what happens.  Ã¢Â˜Âº

    Add:  most of the movies we'd know him best from are over 20 years old now.  He's 57 this year so he's gonna look way different.  Still a funny dude though.

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