
Who think of peru and its people?

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I am Peruvian and settled in Australia I would like to know your opinion about my country.




  1. There are good and bad people in every country and Peru is no exception.

  2. I live in England and have never been to Peru but all the Peruvian Musicians who come over here are all such nice friendly people.

  3. Hi

    I have travelled to Peru in 2005, I had the best time of my life!

    It was truly amazing, your country is so rich in history. The food is awesome!

    I can only dream of coming back!

    The Inca Trail, and view of Machu Picchu was sublime. I will never forget the flight over the Geoglyphes of Nazca!

    I found your fellow countrymen very warm-welcoming and patient with me as I did not speak Spanish real well.

    please see my blog on

    As mentioned before the music is fantastic, we saw the "Pachamama" group, excellent!

    The only downside was the povrety, I saw many children working in order to feed their families, it is sad, comparing to the little over-spoiled children of the western world!

    Really you should be proud of being Peruvian, your country is really AMAZING!

  4. i am peruvian american born in the US

    never been there, and is my dream to get there one day

    i am very proud of my culture, i think it's a beatiful culture

    and i make an effort to meet as many peruvian people as i can. what i have noticed is that some NOT ALL peruvians have negative things to say about each other, why is that?

  5. Sorry to say I haven't been to your country. My younger brother though spent quite a bit of time there while working on his PhD. in South American History. He loved it and has been back several times, and if he loved it I know I would too. Hopefully some day.

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