
Who think palin appeals to the less educated part of America?

by Guest60675  |  earlier

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Less educated was probably the wrong word.... how about ignorarnt, brainwashed, conformed. This is not in regards to class (blue collar/white collar)... this is in regards to people who educate themselves (formal or informal)




  1. I think she appeals to a broad range of people. Of course the elitist will belittle her and the many Americans who do not have a higher education. But they are still people equal to us all. I find the theme of your question repulsive and an example of liberal nasty partisan politics that ruins our country.

    Country First

  2. Maybe not the less educated just more to the normal people.

  3. you said it all too well!

  4. I think she appeals to many people.  I'm college educated and think she is great!

    I'm so sick of people bashing her for going to a public university.  Many of the people who go to Princeton, Yale, and Harvard are all pr*cks anyway...all they care about is money and status.  It's nice to see a normal, American selected as the VP canidate.

  5. It looks like you would know ( her last Palin should be capitalized )

    I know a college professor and several teachers that will be voting for McCain & Palin in November .  

  6. That's why they picked her.  She appeals to redneck, evangelical types...the extreme right wing base of the GOP.

  7. Less than what.  If you mean regular folks, sure.  She's a blue collar type and the elitists think those folks are dumb.  She's from the mold of Harry Truman.  He was just regular folks unlike his predecessor, FDR who came from the elites.  Less educated doesn't mean dumb.  It means someone didn't get as much formal education, but book knowledge ain't all it's cracked up to be.  I've been to law school and have a grad degree in business and some of the smartest folks I have known were "ordinary folks."  You are correct.

  8. The whole Republican Party caters to the ignorant...its their base and they count on it to espouse their lies and distractions.  Its so very sad that they care more about being in power than America as a whole.

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