
Who think prince Harry should go and fight or stay here?

by  |  earlier

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Maybe he should stay home and not put our soliders in danger...




  1. Stay here hes a t**t for going anyway as puts others at risk. If people know hes there obviously he will be targetted meaning harder work and more likely death for grunts trying to protect him because he wants to appear good for public. If he wants to go send him off on his own lol Plus wasn't he dressed as a n**i a few monthes back so hows he definately a good role model/gaining experience for being king. All kings and queens do now is pretend to do things and get pampered

  2. If he was to be any use then he should go and fight.

    The truth is,the whole thing was an elaborate,choreographed public image excercise costing tens of millions in behind the scenes security.Then the information was intentionally leaked to the press to justify his return home for the "benefit of his comrades safety".Smooth.

    If I was serving in Afghanistan,the safest place for me would be in Harrys squad.No Taliban is ever getting anywhere near!

    The upshot is,the money spent on the charade could have been used to upgrade substandard equipment to the real soldiers in the field.

  3. I think they were right to bring him home after the stinking NEWS MEDIA ran their mouths about him being there.

  4. He shouldn't be able to fight, even though its great of him to be doing his thing for the country, if there was ever a hostage situation concerning him. The government would stop at nothing trying t rescue him, costing millions in money, and probably hundreds of british soldiers lives!

    Also, maybe the monachry may decide not to sign a bill created in the commons, and this could cause huge distruption to the UKs foundations (ie - will the monachry be scrapped? etc)

  5. I'd say he should fight but you could have a point. Just because he's a commissioned officer doesn't make him any good I guess.♥

  6. He should be able to do whatever he wants to do.

  7. Private said what I have been thinking all along.  He was there just long enough to give him some "street cred" as we say - just long enough for them to get their filming done and then say he has to come home.  What a shame.  I do feel sorry for him.  He was an absolute picture of dejection getting on and off the plane to fly home.  I bet he would rather have stayed there than come home and go back into training for something else!

  8. he should stay. he does put others in danger

  9. prince Harry was a liability to real soldiers.  He should stay here and try and make himself useful

  10. he was fine untill the AMERICAN NEWS reported where he was.then he became a red rag to a bull.

    good on him for doing his bit, experience like this will make a better future king out of him


  11. he has to stay here but we know were his heart is

  12. The decision has already been made for him so this question is academic.

  13. Wether he is there or not our soldiers are always in danger when they are away from home,

  14. I think its awesome that he fought in the war however if there was danger then its a right choice to evacuate the area.

  15. Bring him back to his home!

    He's became a target, because of the media!

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