
Who think that animals are better than humans?

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Who think that animals are better than humans?




  1. Hindus revere all forms of life and do not place Humans above other forms of life

  2. Well, some of them can fly, swim and climb trees better than me but until I see an aardvark walk on the moon, I shall continue to believe in the supremacy of homo sapiens.

  3. bwahahahaha at these responses....all of them pertaining to domesticated animals which means humans made them the way they are.

    wild animals can be vicious, murderous, disgusting, and live purely on instinct. you know friendly mr.shamu  likes to play with his food before he kills and eats it.

  4. Define what kind of "better".

    Sure, both can be murderous and run on pure instinct. Although, I think animals are better from the standpoint that they typically do not inflict harm for fun, like some people, and are more perceptive in terms of the presence of danger and spiritual things. Humans can be rather dull in that area.

  5. i do

  6. me ....... they are simple and pure

  7. I don't animals can not talk to us and we can't understand them.

  8. I do think animal are better than human.  Because animal are simple life, human are not easy in their life.

  9. Depends on what you're lookin' for from the animal or the human. Sometimes yes, sometimes no  ; )

  10. All other animals besides humans know how to live at one with the environment - Humans just destroy it through our own selfishness.

    Humans think we know what is best for this earth, and for other animals, but we are idi*ts who overcomplicate our lives and place too much emphasis on material things.

    I love all animals besides humans - they are beautiful in mind and spirit and their 'simplicity' that so many of you object to, is what makes them smart when it comes to this planet!

  11. Animals are much tastier!

  12. i do you get more sense from an animal than from most human beings! One day animals will inherit the earth and keep humans as pets, i bet they wont treat us as harshly as we treat them!

  13. I do. You know where you are with animals. They have better manners than most people I've met!

  14. Animals usually live by unconditional love so they are smarter than humans. They may need to co-operate with humans so they can be very nice to the one that feeds them. They don't compete with humans so that makes them nicer to get along with.

  15. Better in what way?

    Elephants are better at knocking over big thing unaided; we're better at designing communications satellites.

    Your question is unanswerable as stated.

  16. Go to Newstead Abbey in Nottinghamshire, and, read the words of the poem, penned by Lord Byron (dedicated to "Boatswain") - as inscribed upon the dog's gravestone. The evolved reader will then come to understand why animals have 'overtaken' humans in many ways; too numerous to specify. Animals, take, only, what they need. Humans take more.

  17. all depends on which way you mean "better 'they can be loyal but you get sick they can`t pick up a `phone for the medic.

    If it is just a general picture, ANIMALS come out on top,all through the alphabet,A.. ANT--Z..ZEBRA.

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