
Who thinks Acevedo Vilá should resign as governor of Puerto Rico?

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Completely unscientific, please do not bring Rosselló did the same thing as an excuse, because, first, Rosselló has never been indicted of anything and second, this is about Acevedo Vilá, not Rosselló.




  1. He should resign, because otherwise the PNP will stop all legislation.  He will not be able to get anything done, and in an election year that is suicide.  He can't possibly believe that he will be able to get anything done with this hangling over his head.  The opposing parties will ultimately place so much pressure on him, that he'll have no choice but to resign.  If it happened to Gov Spitzer of NY or Gov McGreevy of New Jersey, it will certainly happen to this guy.  95% of all federal indictments result in convictions, and of those less than 3% get overturned on appeal.  He is soooooo dead.  Especially since they have evidence including wire taps and e-mails he sent from his Blackberry.

  2. He should resign as governor and help his lawyers with the defense.  Leave the governor seat to the Secretary of State to finish the remaining months of this term. (Next governor take possesion on Januuary 2).

    If he wants his party (PPD) to win next elections he needs to resign from the candidacy for governor in the next elections.  there is no way he will win the election while the trial is in progress.  Do he expect the people will vote for him as a protest of the intervention of US agencies (FBI, Dept of Justice, IRS, etc.) in the life of PR?  Then what?  Have a new historical event: the governor of PR found guilty on x number of charges?

    Give him time, resign will come in a week or two.

  3. not if he was elected the crybabies should suffer in silenc,  until the next election and vote him out if you can


  5. I think he wont have to resign however he will be put in jail!

  6. he should resign as candidate for the 2008 elections, not from office. Because doing that will be a contradiction to what he says that he is innocent and if he resings he will be sending the message that hes guilty, eventually hes going to be guilty as charged so anyways hes going to be out. Hopefully he resigns ASAP cuz he have really done a  lot of damage to our economy and to our lifestyle.

  7. No. If you read why he's been accused then you should agree with me in saying that most of the congressmen should resign too.

  8. He should but he won't. Anyways, Its better that he doesn't because if another worse candidate enters to be the governir, Puerto Rico will die! I still believe he should not run because the people in Puerto Rico, IM SURE, will not believe him anymore, he will not win, and also... Puerto Ricans are not that stupid. He was accused, what else can you say?

  9. You ask for an Answer or  Opinions  but  You already answered Your  questions and  geve  why  say something  else???

  10. There is proof that Acevedo Vila did commit all those crimes. And now many of the people from his party got together and raised $2 million for him.

      If a poor person or a regular citizen did any of those crimes, he or she would be in jail, no bail and stripped of all properties and money that he or she would have saved and no right to be on parole. When this Acevedo does committ too many crimes and now is out with now bail and walking the streets. His party the Popular Party was always like this. Taking money for themselves and not doing a thing for the island.

    In these 3 years as "governor" he has not done a productive thing, all he does is travel to Disney, Europe, Vacation in the Governors vacation home (by the way, his wife got rid of all that was in the governors vacation home and re-decorated which cost us the tax payers a big bundle and there are still bill unpaid as of yet).

      He cried. If you are innocent, you don't cry you stand firm and have the evidence in hand. He did not do this he cried like a baby and had no answers to any of the questions asked. He has to resign and cannot run no more for any office.

    As for Rossello, he did a lot for Puerto Rico, more busses, a train, more and better roads, new programs, better education, and housing. Anibal NOTHING.

      Anibal looks great in the orange suit.

  11. Yes he should resign, and prepare to defend himself, but like always in PR anything can happen

    "Solo en Puerto Rico"

  12. No matter how much the opposition try to make him look as  a bad person or governor , those who are truly intelligent can see better and different. For me is one of the braves Governor in our history. I hope he win in everything. Rossello is an  abortion of nature. Pure evil as everyone who believes in him.

  13. no, because he wasn't the one with the charges, they haven't proof illegal charges againt him.if they do, then he should resign. inside people in the senate in both parties have been quilty of freud and they are the ones who need to pay for their consequences. in the PNP as well as the PPD, there is a lot of freud, aand corruption, the whole government is. i just think they are pin pointing the governor know, because we are close to the elections, its traditions to do so. but why not spread the fire, 2 yrs in between the election due date. why now, i just think politics in PR is all about bochinche, we should make a soap opera about politics in PR

  14. I hope he does not resign.  The charges are trumped and won't stick.

  15. I believe he is innocent until proven guilty by a court. The federal government and the PNP should respect that principle. Afterall, if the PNP wants to desparetly join the U.S. shouldn't it at least live by the principles mentioned in the Bill of Rights?

  16. Our people need to start voting for candidates and not for the parties. Or, as in the United States they need to vote "independent" of both parties. Both political parties have rotten apples within them, and we have to put our best effort in getting rid of them. A lot of Populares are going around saying all kinds of "disparates" and they really don`t know what is going on and has been going on for decades now. The Popular Party has been corrupt since before it was born and pushed the island voters into a false agreement. According to Luis Munos Marin, the proclaimed father of our present government the ELA, this formula of government was not supposed to be permanent. Marin stated that when the island population was in a better, prosperous time that then there should be a referendum in which the islanders could vote for statehood or independence. Well, the island inhabitants have been prosperous for decades now, referendums set up by both major parties have come and gone and we are still living in a Colony that brings shame on us and on the United States. No one can tell why we want to live in a Colony when the rest of the world has opted for independence. The reason why we are still a Colony is not because the United States doesn`t want us to become a state, we are a Colony because we choose to believe the lies that the Popular Party spoon feeds us since they came to be. While it is true, that we have reasons for distrusting United States government, i.e. North Korea, we need to grow-up and get wise like the "Pitirre". We need to resolve our status and if our political parties are not up to the task because they find the present type of government more profitable to their corrupt wallets then we need to vote them out of office and elect candidates that are willing to get us out of the ELA quagmire that we live in now. Mr. "Animal" Acevedo Vila should have resigned a long time ago when he shut down the schools, and the rest of the government agencies when he came into office. He declared then that the island was bankrupt, he made a referendum for voters to vote on keeping our government with a Congress and Senate or a Parliament government, voters voted for the formula that he was pushing a Parliament, but we still have a Congress and Senate. He goes to New York while he is Resident Commissionner and along with the governor at that time Sila Maria Calderon, they both tell reporters of El Diario, a New York spanish newspaper, that the majority of Puertoricans are terrorists. Where the h**l do they get with these types of lies, of course they wouldn`t dare say something like that here on the island and get away with it.But that is their style (the Popular Party) everywhere they go they feed people their lies so that they can keep control of the people. He is guilty there is no doubt in my mind and he should resign and save all Puertoricans the shame of having one of their elected governors thrown in jail because of corruption. Even Mr. Nixon, president of the United States  knew better and resigned from the most powerfull position in the world during the Watergate debacle. But not Mr. "Animal", he is so arrogant that he thinks that he can get out of this mess and go on being governor. He has put our people in shame because he has declared himself the "victim" of the Federal government who is according to him out to get him and all Puertoricans, he says that he will give his biggest fight for Puerto Rico because the Federal government is trying to take out of office our democraticly elected officials. He is instigating the general public to turn against the United States government because according to him they`re out to get us all. The people of Puerto Rico have not been indicted by the FBI, the people of Puerto Rico are not going to be prosecuted by the Federal Court, the governor and his people are the ones that were indicted by the FBI and the ones that will be prosecuted by the Federal Court. This man has a sick mentality that could turn dangerous for our citizens because he keeps feeding lies to the public and instigating them against the US. He must resign.

  17. Absolutely Yes….  When you have someone like New York Governor Spitzer resigning for hiring prostitutes then sure Acevedo Vilá should resign.  Like him and others in the pass they are not interested in leading Puerto Rico into prosperity, job creation, investing in infrastructure for attracting investment, preparing the youth to take-on high technology opportunities.  Think about this, if Puerto Rico was a truly english speaking island and invested in their infrastructure they would be benefiting from the IT outsourcing markets not India or China.

    The jewel of Puerto Rico needs to make unprecedented decisions that would truly benefit there entire population.  For one eliminate the strong hold on corruption that currently controls the political system.  

    So if you ask me Acevedo Vilá should be used as an example to clean house from the governor to the local mayors.

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