
Who thinks Al Gore will take credit for this?

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This winter has been one of the coldest on record. Who thinks Al Gore will try to take credit for this and say "We beat Global Warming!" Who else knows he and this man made climate change nonsense is fraud?




  1. Al Gore is a fraud. He is one of the biggest polluters on the planet, his company is the #1 polluter in Tennessee. He uses more energy than 15 normal families combined.

  2. Question #1 answer: Obviously, you don't know what the heck you're talking about.

    Question #2 answer: Obviously, you don't know what the heck you're talking about.

    In the military, we were told that there was never a dumb question. They never encountered you.

    EDIT to Genna - Al Gore an idiot??? Former senator from Tennessee, 2 term Vice President and Nobel prize recipient. I would like to see your credentials.

  3. Sadly, the record cold and snows are being spun as proof that the planet is warming.

    The minions are so brainwashed, that they can now blame anything on global warming, and the flock will follow.

  4. Wrong and wrong.

    a) One cold month (and that's all it was) means nothing in terms of global warming.  That's called weather due to a strong La Nina cycle.

    b) Even if global warming had stopped, we could not take credit because we have not yet reduced our greenhouse gas emissions.  But it hasn't.

  5. Why would he claim that "we beat global warming" when hardly anything has been done? Wouldn't that derail the whole new world order conspiracy that he is supposedly part of?

  6. You're absolutely right.  It's all alarmist hype.  And what really bothers me is, no matter what happens, they always somehow figure that it HAS to be evidence for global warming.  The earth is heating, global warming.  The earth is cooling, global warming.  It was a cold winter, either global warming or "one cold winter doesn't mean global warming" as stated by someone above, when those are the same people who say a hot summer is global warming!  Are these people that ignorant or just so blindly dedicated to a cause that it doesn't matter what happens, they'll either deny it when they would surely use the same reason to back their argument or will use something that directly contradicts the premise of their issue to support their cause.  I'm tired of it.  The earth is not in dire straits. Man-made global warming does not exist.  Al Gore is an alarmist hypocrite that has financial stakes in his "noble" cause (ie he has stakes in a company that sells carbon credits) and many of his inconvenient truths have been debunked or outright lies.  Not to mention, isn't it peculiar that he won't debate anyone on the subject, but he'll gladly write books and make movies declaring his expertise?  Look at the facts people, it's all just a huge scam to control your lives even more and siphon more of your hard-earned dollars out of your pockets!

  7. One season does not make a trend.  Since official records of warming have been kept (since 1880), there have been spikes, up and down, of global temperature; however, the trend has always been upward.

  8. that would be funny, because then he'd get another lawsuit slapped on him! hahaha.

    ***you people are forgetting that al gore is an idiot and therefore would claim this statement reguardless of the true meaning of global warming!***

  9. He took credit for creating the internet and global warming so why wouldn't he try to claim credit for for fixing global warming?  You underestimate him.  Al Gore is god.  Just have faith.

  10. i doubt it. do you even know what global warming is???

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