
Who thinks American football players should take off there padding and silly helmits?

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Come on boys, sought it out have you ever seen a rugby match?Anyway understand it's not football you play you pick the ball up with your hands!




  1. Who thinks clowns should take off their make-up and prosthetics?

    It would ruin the fun!

  2. who thinks rugby players should stop wearing daisy dukes? how g*y is that?

  3. Quite right mate. Poufs.

  4. They need to rethink the spandex too.  There is a team train beside my rugby club and the sight of grown men in bright yellow spandex on a sunday morning is enough to make you ill!

    Leave the spandex to van halen!

  5. Their Actors and f**s who need the padding, wouldn't survive a single match in Australian Rugby League !

  6. who cares, its the worlds most boring sport anyway.  they run about like headless chickens for about 30 seconds and then stop again.  getting rid of the pads wont change that

  7. I agree, if they removed there helmets and padding they would run faster because they would only weigh 40 stone. Or they might have a secret compartment in their helmet for storing burgers or doughnuts

  8. No, it would ruin the spectacle.

    I do think they need to get rid of TV timeouts though.

  9. Let the average NFL player hit the average rugby player full speed, and he'll be begging for pads and a timeout.

  10. I've always thought there was something dodgy about fully grown men banging their helmets together

  11. Well I have watched both rugby and American football and not taking anything away from rugby players but they are just average sized men playing a great sport.  I would not want to have a 350 lb defensive player in American football landing on me.  Plus rugby players are in pretty good shape and can run faster. American defensive players are there for size and stopping power. Let us yanks keep our padding.

  12. methinks american footballers are terrified of getting hurt. Give me English rugby anyday....and australian football. They are to only two worth watching.

  13. I'm from UK, and love the sport, trust me when i say that if you had a 22-30 stone man run at you with a 12 second best for the hundred you would pray for protection. (that's normal)

    With 46 active players (11 infield at a time) you can imagine the strategy involved with substitutes etc.. and believe me they are tough b******s and know it....

    By the way WE call it Gridiron...

    Take a look at this and maybe you might change your mind over the game with all the strategies and plays..

  14. I honestly couldn't give a fu<k what they wear!!!

    Each to their own, personally I think it's a daft game, but then again Americans probably think the same about rugby or Aussie Rules.............

  15. It amazes me that that a country (the US) who continually boasts about and puts great store in the physical prowess of its male population has its players put on twenty pounds of pads to play rugby.

    Be Men lose the pads.

  16. Why does everyone talk about how big American Football players if that has anything to do with anything?  When I was in high school, we weren't as big as NFL players, or as fast...and we wore pads.  Pop Warner (youth, to you from outside the US) players wear pads too.

    And why do people think it is "soft" to wear pads?  That doesn't make sense either....soft pads came into the game years ago, and both the game and the protection evolved with one another.  The way the game is played now, it simply couldn't be done without pads...the injury rate at the pro level is horrific enough as it is.  Tackles in rugby are made differently than in football because of the lack of a helmet...having a helmet allows you to hit harder without concern for having your faced bashed in by the ball-carrier's knee.  So having pads encourages collisions that are MORE hurts no less, believe me.  What's more, the hard plastic is a weapon in itself.  Get hit on an unpadded shoulder with a helmet and you'll break a lot more bones than if you were hit with a bare head.

    Also, the rules of the game make a football tackle a bit harder.  In rugby, a runner won't try to hit the tackler to eke out a few more yards...he needs to be cognizant of recycling the ball in the ruck.  And the tackler doesn't really lose anything by giving up a yard or two, as long as he brings his man down.  

    In football, on the other hand, giving up that ground can be as costly as missing the tackle, as possession is retained by gaining 10 yards and getting a new set of plays.  Similarly, that ground can be hugely important to the runner, so both parties will go into the tackle much harder.  A rugby player hurts his team if he fights for more ground and the can't set up a clean ruck.

    And then the question itself seems kind of ignorant if one looks at rugby.  One might just as well ask if rugby players should take off their padding and silly helmets...oh, sorry..."scrum caps".  Before you get all high and mighty about that, take a look at the padding worn by Gridiron players decades ago.  Not a whole lot different than modern rugby pads, except the materials were a lot more primitive (leather).  Who knows where rugby will be in 30-50 years.

    Also, when the term "football" entered the English language (centuries ago) it didn't refer to games player WITH the feet, but to games played ON your opposed to on horse.

  17. in NFL virtually anything is legal in the tackle,including the head !.

    you don't need to have the ball to be steamed into by a 26stone blocker whose job it is to put you on the floor or preferably out of the game.

    the defensive players are built like brick sh*t-houses and dedicated to piling in with no regard for safety.

    it was actually an american president who made helmets/padding mandatory as too many players were getting killed.

    i have followed both codes of rugby all my life and have never seen players that big,infact - one or two former rugby players have played gridiron including gavin hastings and martin johnson.

    the latter is a huge NFL fan,i don't think he'd take kindly to being called a wuss.

  18. I lived in Australia for a little bit back in 1986, and they laughed hysterically at the idea that NFL players were tough. Between the padding, helmets, and the constant time outs, they decided we were wimps, at best.

    I argued while they laughed, until they finally took me to an Australian Rules football game, after which I had a change of heart.

    I wouldn't call our guys wimps, but I've never seen anything that compares to the h**l those Aussies go through. Rugby is a tough game as well, but Australian Rules football is borderline insane. It's hard to believe any of the players are able to return for a second season.

  19. i h8 rugby

  20. well, my brother played HS football (with pads) and never got hurt.  he's now playing rugby, and has broken every extremity, and an orbital bone (got kicked in the eye).  he broke his collarbone in two places, and has had 2 surgeries so far.  

    i'm voting for the pads.  he's an idiot for not wearing any.

  21. absofrigginlutely!  American football players are a bunch of p u s s i e s!

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