
Who thinks Earth Hour is a crock of dung?

by  |  earlier

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Don't get me wrong. I am concerned about environmental issues and I really do think we need to limit our use of energy.But this gesture is symbolic and doesn't mean anything. The next day, everyone is going to undo all the 'savings' just by driving to work. Mathematically, the amount of energy saved by turning off a few lights for ONE HOUR a year is almost zero.




  1. your'e missing the draws awareness to people that YES...the earth is going thru changes and maybe...just maybe doing something like this will make a difference if not to the earth but then poeple just to do something will make a difference in their mind and make them more you have any brainstorms????

  2. It's to raise awareness. It's working - you're aware of it.

    One hour is for wimps - go for all night!

  3. I think it's cool, that the world can come together in this way for a good cause.  It is not just going to be one hour as there is a time it will really be several hours of people in darkness, one hour at a time in different places.  Mostly, this is to raise awareness and ANYTHING that grabs peoples attention and makes them think about environmental problems is a good thing.  Stop being such a downer and be happy that people are trying to make an effort.

  4. I guess it's just the point of it. Hmm I probably wont participate in shutting the lights off for an hour.

    But google turned there page black today.

  5. I think its a good idea. It raises awareness. People have lived on this planet for years and just because we will probably die when global warming will be like a big big issue we should still do something about it.

    I'm only 14 but I believe that one person can make a difference. The slightest thing can and maybe after the people will see how much energy was not used they will continue to use less.

    But I am deff. perticipating in Earth Hour.

    Im so excited ! : ]

  6. im doing it

  7. This is the biggest bunch of crock I have ever heard of. We had both TV's going and had all the lights in the house turned on. What a bunch of pathetic losers!

  8. I just want the old google back..

  9. its not about trying to save that hours energy, its trying to get everyone involved so they do it in future. dumb idea though really. and what the h**l are google doing?

  10. so TRUE but it should be fun

    & it gets the issue out there

  11. Yes, it's a crock.  And soon it will be a big spending spree so all the big manufactures (polluters) can sell you Earth Hour c**p to wear while you drive around to your Earth Hour activities.

    To really save energy, just stay in bed with your baby all day.

  12. I don't think its a crock.  I think its cool.  You are missing the point.  It's not about saving energy for that hour but making people more conscious that there is an energy resource and we shouldn't be wasting it.  


  13. I know what you are saying, but its simply raising awareness.

    People are trying to be more ''green''. Hopefully! :-)

  14. its still an effort.

  15. I think it's to raise awareness more than the actual energy savings during that hour.

  16. well i think gestures that raise awareness are a good thing..with the amount of visitors google has a day..must run into the hundreds of millions per day..even if 1% of these visitors makes a lasting change in their energy habits as a result of a simple black background and a page of would be a massive energy saving

  17. True, except at least we HAVE an hour that everyone at least TRIES to save energy. I know what you mean, and I agree, except one hour's better than nothing, right? Also, it's just the idea of saving energy, and it's to encourage people to face the facts about wasting, and how we should prevent it.

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