
Who thinks Edge can carry WWE?

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Me personally think he can,especially as a heel, alot of people don't believe that edge is worthy enough to carry WWE! but they are just Edge haters, after tonights HIAC I really believe edge is going to stamp is mark with Ric Flair,Taker,HHH,HBK,and Austin, people got to respect that man,edge does things for the WWE that hardley anyone would do,plus is acting and promos are just 5 star quality, edge really deserves to be carrying smackdown! not Triple H WWE really need to focus on making Edge just as good as HBK and Taker i'm being serious,because if Taker and HBK leaves, they really need someone to replace them,and edge is the only person i can see do that! your thoughts




  1. edge is a really good wrestler but not better than the great khali

  2. i totally agree......Edge has always been my favorite and most of the really good and well known Superstar such as HHH are getting older and will retire soon..............There really aren't that many other Superstars on Smackdown except Jeff Hardy that are almost as good as Edge.

    hun the not so great khali cant even speak English who cares about him

  3. Yea, I agree. Edge is talented in the ring & on the mic. He also has great promos like what you said. He really deserves better. He should be carrying the company.


  4. Me....Good Point*Starred*

  5. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooo

  6. Edge always carry smackdown  

  7. he can carry SD but not raw he is up there with hhh no better no worse his promos r great and now he is back to his old self he is getting better

  8. I agree Edge is doing very well. I think once HBK, Triple H, and HBK, leave, Edge, Orton, Chris Jericho, and Matt Hardy will be carrying the wwe.

  9. You mean Edge isn't carrying the wwe right now?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    lol i think he already is, smackdown! revolves around edge and if he left the show would be mediocre and Triple H would have to go heel again..I shudder at the thought....

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