
Who thinks Hamilton should get a team?

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Thats Hamilton Ontario for you Southerners. What other Canadian cities would you like to see have a team?




  1. i think they should be given a shot. not too crazy about making additional teams. i'd rather see a relocation.

    what about Winnipeg (if it were possible; i'm moderately aware of the issues), Quebec

  2. Hamilton should have a team, absolute money maker! I bet all games would be sold out. Some American teams rarely or never are sold out, and at least you might be able to afford to go and watch an NHL game. Even the T.O. fans would support an NHL team there. Can't do worse then the Leafs have done in 4 decades.

    Also I would like to see Winnipeg back in the NHL, Loved the Jets.

  3. I don't think that they should when we have Toronto and Ottawa but i think that Halifax should get a team I think taking the panthers and making them the Hamilton Panthers or something is a good idea.

  4. Already have Detroit Ottawa Toronto, too close for a team in Hamilton.

  5. In spite of the fact that a team in south central Ontario (including Toronto) could sell out a 50,000 seat hockey arena for every home game a second team in this region would not be financially sound.

    1. Where would the additional TV revenues come from?Canada is already subsidizing the American lack of TV industry for hockey as it stands.

    2, Where will the corporate support come from? Joe Fan isn't going to shell out 6 grand every year for a pair of decent seats, let alone 20,000 for a pair of platinum. Add to that where will we find 60 or 80 groups to ante up a hundred grand for corporate boxes. Hamilton just can't do it.

    3. If Detroit (at 3 Million citizens) can't sell out because of economic difficulties how can Hamilton at 300,000 and even tougher economic difficulties.

    4. The Copps is falling apart and where will the 250 Million come from for a new arena.

    5. Does Hamilton deserve a team more than Nashville? Probably not but the real question should be does Nashville deserve a team?

  6. I hear Toronto needs a team that wins the Stanley Cup more often than a U.S. team wins the Grey Cup

  7. Jim Balsille

  8. ****Pens Rule..there is PLENTY of hockey support in Southern Ontario for an additional team. Doesn't NY have 3??

  9. Never going to happen! There is an OTPF owned team that will prevent it as long as they own the LEAFS.

  10. By rights, they should have a team now.  It makes no sense that the state of California has more NHL teams than the province of Ontario.  If the NY/NJ area can support three teams, then southern Ontario can surely support two.  

    The biggest no-brainer would be to move one of these southern US disasters (Nashville, Florida, Atlanta to name but a few), since the NHL needs more teams like a moose needs a hat rack.

    The Buffalo situation is sad; in one year it's gone from being a model NHL franchise to being a relocation target.  Shame.

  11. I don't, I happen to be a fan of one of the disaster teams your talking about.

    I wouldn't wish it on any real hockey fan, that there city loses a team.

  12. YES-Whats that put a hockey team in a market that actually truly loves the sport would sell out games and wouldn't need a local government sweetheart deal with its lease to keep the team in the city like say Nashville.

    You may not know who Billionare Jim Balsillie , but I bet you heard of a little device called Blackberry. You see he's the co- CEO of the company that makes these gizmos. So money wouldn't be a problem.

    You see unlike Nashville that has to resort to eye candy gimmicks in the form of dancers (Thus trying to market sport like Football and Basketball) to get peoples attention in Hamilton people don't need things to be dumbed down.

    On top of that with the exception of Denver and Dallas only time Sun Belt teams sell allot of tickets is when snow birds and transplants from north come to see their teams from where they grew up. In Nashville it takes the Red Wings to get a good crowd.

    Only in Bettmans' diluted fantasies will the sport grow by placing teams in the Sun Belt. Look if you plant some seeds in poor soil and say well just wait a couple of years and eventually something is going to grow you wouldn't last long as a farmer.

    The NHL is kissing its lucky stars that traditional hockey markets are actually in the Stanly Cup and that this has led to the highest ratings in 6 years. I think more seniors where waiting for the early bird special in Tampa then # of Lighting fans in the parking lot celebrating the Stanly Cup.

    By the way hows that hockey making out in the desert? Put Winnipeg on the list as well.

    What people need to know about the Sabres is that the croocked  Regis family was looting the funds of Aldelphia , at the time was the 6th largest cable company in the USA. It was the ignorant American national sports media that said that if a Hockey team in Buffalo had to declare bankruptcy then it shows how unpopular the sport is. They never reported on a little matter like the Regis family owners having to go to jail and having their assests seized that led the team into bankruptcy.

    I lived in Pittsburgh during the late 80's and early 90's when sport was more popular then baseball and once again under proper ownership and being located in the rite market hockey is thriving once again in the city.

  13. Yup....especially since there's not a hockey team in Toronto! lol

  14. They almost got the Pens. Thank goodness that didn't happen. Isn't Hamilton very close to Buffalo and Toronto? If it is 3 teams that close together probably would't be a good strategy.

  15. Why would you want a team in Hamilton if you are a Sabres fan?  A team that sucks your Southern Ontario fan base making your economically unstable market even more vulnerable.  If anything, you should not want a team anywhere near the Golden Horseshoe area.

  16. I would like to see Winnipeg and Quebec get teams back again.  They were some great teams back in the day.  Plus it would give Canada a better chance at getting the cup back up there.  

    GO PENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. It will just be one more Canadian team that misses the playoffs.There are so many great teams below the NHL up there and most locals would rather watch there local Jr. team rather then go to the big show.Plus after no one goes to the game it is just going to move to a US city anyhow.


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