
Who thinks Jesse MacCartney - Leavin video is inappropriate?

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who thinks it's a little too inappropriate O.o

i thought he's some kind of children's star?




  1. I think it's innapropriate. No matter how old you are and no matter what age your going for, no one should ever ever make videos like that.

  2. yeah that is very inappropiate he's turning into a pervert

  3. wow, that was not what i expected. i hear this song almost five times a day (just about every station is playing it except tejano) however i was thinking of something a lil more colorful and peppy. yeah, that isn't appropriate but so isn't half of the things these tweens are doing who are celebs.

  4. I've seen worse videos. ha.

    and He's 21 years old. It's not that bad.

  5. He is growing up. You can't stay a disney star forever. It's parents job to monitor what their kids watch.

  6. it was inapproprite but he still rocks

  7. Used to be a child star. He's 21 years old now.

  8. I think the whole song itself sucks, and it's funny how he thinks he isn't white.

  9. i dnt think hes a childrens star any more tho O.o

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