
Who thinks John Morrison should be in the ECW Scramble?

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Who thinks John Morrison should be in the ECW Scramble?




  1. ya, instead of Chavo

  2. Yes, he is one of the most talented wrestlers in the WWE. He is a rising star and a future WWE Champion and future World Heavyweight Champion. Since WWE usually does only one ECW Match on each Pay Per View, John Morrison is getting shafted for September. I don't think it's right.

  3. john morrison should be ECW champion by now

  4. I do but I guess because of the Miz they didnt want it to look like they are competing against each other so that way they can keep their team intact.  

    I think he is more deserving that Finlay  and the Miz is an up and coming wrestler so it makes sense to me to put him in there.  

    Plus Morrisson is a former ECW champ, IC champ, and tag team champ, which is further more why he should be in there.  

    Both Miz and Morrisson should be in there.  

    I would take out Finlay.  he is getting old and ECW should be about putting over their younger up and coming talent like Morrisson Miz and Evan Bourne (Matt Sydal)  

    Chavo is deserving too in that he is a former ECW champ.

  5. I think he should be. How the h**l is the miz in it and not johnny? it's weird that he's not in it. i guess it's cool the miz got in it...but idk...i still don't like him too much.

  6. yeah totally,john morrison is awesome and should be credited by getting selected :)

    he's been around for  a few years now...

  7. yes, instead of the miz or chavo. hes a much better wrestler and a lot more charismatic than both of them put together.

  8. yeah, sure y not................................!

  9. He lost to Matt Hardy, so he lost out of it fair and square.

  10. I don't think that John (Johnny Nitro/John Morrison) Hennigan should be on ECW.  I'm of the opinion that Hennigan should be on either Raw or SmackDown, where the higher caliber guys from ECW end up going.  He's not at the point in his career yet where he can help the younger guys coming in like Chavo and Finlay, but he's beyond the point where he needs helped either.

    I personally think that he should be in the SmackDown Scramble Match instead of THE Brian Kendrick.

  11. he is good but not ECW GOOD

  12. I think The Miz deserves it. I think he's improved so much in the ring over the last 12 months that I can't even relate him to the annoying guy that use to interrupt my enjoyment of Smackdown by coming out and shouting Hoo-rah! I thought his match with Bourne was crisp and very well done, and I have no problem with a guy who's been on the roster less than 3 months not getting a PPV title shot yet. The Miz was the right choice. I don't think anyone would buy Bourne as ECW Champion yet, although you could probably say the same thing about The Brian Kendrick being in the Smackdown Scramble match.

    I also like Finlay being in the Scramble. And as long as it's the ECW Championship we're talking about, I would be thrilled if he won the belt. He's one of the best workers in the company now, regardless of age.

    On the other hand, I could not agree with you more on Morrison. I'm not quite sure when it happened, but John Morrison has slowly morphed into an ECW rising Star like he was before and I can't believe he has to take a back seat to Chavo Guerrero at this PPV. I used to like Chavo a lot in WCW and he's had his moments in WWE with Eddie and within the Cruiserweight division. But I can't remember the last time I was excited to see him show up on my TV screen. Morrison needs to be on PPV. The match with Hardy was fantastic and when Morrison went for the pin with his foot on the ropes I thought he might actually pull off the surprise victory.

  13. YES!!!!!!!!

    He deserves the ECW title!! So does Matt Hardy. I would have taken out Chavo.


  14. I think Tommy Dreamer should b in it!!!!

  15. i do to he was a former ecw champ, matt does deserve to be in there to but i also wanted john morrison in there as well. they have the miz in there wtf? he can not wrestler if his life depended on it miz doesn't deserve a title shot morrison carried his weight in matches any way i agree i think john morrison deserves to be in there too.

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