
Who thinks Madeleine's mum and dad killed her?

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I think it's very obvious. They shouldn't have ended the investigation.




  1. They look guilty????

    I recommend you NEVER do jury service. Enough innocent people have been sent to jail without adding two more.  

  2. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a twist in the tale of Madeleine McCann at some point. Perhaps some of the angry people here might apologise to you when and if there is?

    In the mean time, I'm a a tired of hearing about the Maddie story. If I see her, I will inform the police, theres nothing else I can do. Crying and screaming won't help. Neither will the media broadcasting live footage of her parents driving to the supermarket.  

  3. possibly, but they're innocent until proven guilty.

  4. Yes, just like the Chamberlians murdered little Azaria??? I suppose if we found blood in your car and say, your best friend was missing, it'd be reasonable for the media to accuse you of murder? Please, the blood was not even found to be Madeleine's, and it's people like you, who harp on about how guilty that are, that make the pain of people like the McCann's even more heart-breaking: fact of the matter is, their darling daughter dissappeared and may never been seen again - you try putting yourself in their shoes!

  5. Unless you were there on the night, then you have no way to assume this. Personally i do not believe they had anything to do with her abduction, and we do not even know if the poor little girl is dead. So as i said unless you participated then there is no proof

  6. now this is getting boring we had this now for months shes dead thats it move on

  7. OK, what facts are in your possession that the police are unaware of.  Give it a rest and move on please

  8. If they didn't they are indirectly responsible by going on a p**s up and leaving 3 babies alone, then refusing to answer the police questions and turning it into a big media circus and going on a trip around the world to try to stop other abductions (I mean please if you'd looked after her properly she wouldn't have been abducted in the first place)!!!

  9. Although there is no evidence according to the police that they did kill her, I would have thought with all the lies, delays in contacting the police when she went missing , evidence that they administered sleeping drugs, evidence from neighbours that they often heard the child cry for it's parents who were out drinking the fact that they gained £2,000,000 by begging from the public and missusing the funds to fund their new lifestyle would have kept the investigation opened a bit longer but I heard they had friends in Government and were connected to Gordon Brown so why should I be surprised,

    At the very least they should have been charged with child neglect and endangerment how anyone can support these two is beyond me.


  10. i really don't think they'd have hired a private investigator to carry on searching if it was them.

    but just to say my opinion, i mean, how easy would it be to destroy evidence by the coast? dump her body in the sea and it's virtually gone forever.

    however, there is the question of maddy's blood in their hire car, did they kill her or did she cut herself, something as simple as that?

    for a long time i believed they accidentally overdosed her sleeping pills and dumped her in the sea, but now i don't know really.

  11. Well don't know about that but the ultimate responsibility lays at their door,if they weren't such selfish b******s they would have been looking after the kids,heres a question for all the supporters why did the alleged abductor take only one child?

  12. If your going to accuse someone make sure youve got proof or dont say anything

  13. They ended the investigation



    why did they give up

    they havent found her yet

    and i agree it seems fishy why did they leave a 3 year old and younger kids alone even if they did come back every half hour.

  14. Hard to believe they could kill their own child but they DEFINATELLY

    should never have left her or any child alone or unsupervised in an unlocked room in a foreign country .

  15. Na I dont think so.  Stupid - yes, but murderers - no.  Why all the thumbs down??  They are stupid.  What responsible parent would leave their kids alone for even 5 minutes let alone half an hour in a strange place?

  16. there was no evidence of an abduction

    go figure  

  17. don't know about killed her but I reckon there is something dodgy about them, call it a sixth sense if you will.

  18. you KNOW there was blood in the car? they 'look' guilty? how do you know, when you didnt know them before?!

  19. do you drink battery acid?

    or does something else make your brain rubbish?

  20. Yes I think they killed her through blatant neglect and possibly a whole lot more and have covered it all up with the help of political influence.they are disgusting sinister people who show no shame or remorse and they should stop this now while they have the chance  

  21. Where is your evidence to support your theory?

  22. Give it a rest and turn the record over.

  23. Innocent until proven guilty.

  24. Erin what do you mean 'don't be rude?' You've done far worse by adding further agony to Maddies parents if (God Forbid) they would ever read this.

    You should be ashamed of yourself. I bet you aren't even old enough to have a child let alone deal with the horror of what her parents are going through.

    Stop and think for a moment about what you're accusing them of.

    It might be just a few moments of entertainment for you and getting attention from other people but you should grow up and think of what it would feel like if it was YOU that had lost your baby.

    They made a stupid error in thinking that their child would be safe and Oh God have they paid the ultimate price. Is it now your job to add to their agony?

    Guess someone should tell Judge Judy that she is out of a job....

    Come back in 10 years time when you have grown up a bit...

  25. 'They look very guilty' 'It's the viewers that notice the little details.'

    Oh well doh,that's it then.Should've thought of that right away.(head/desk)How come nobody else sussed that?You ever thought of being a detective?No?

    Thank feck for that!

    Don't be rude?

    Oh right, but it's ok for you to call people murderers!DMML

  26. Viewers notice little details because the media have helpfully demonstrated over the years what viewers should be looking for when looking at potential criminals on camera.  

    There was a case of child who went missing some years ago in this country & the father was asked to go on tv to make an appeal, purely based on the fact that he looked like a hippy & viewers had been told for years by the media that police will use a news conference as an opportunity to see if anyone related to the family will incriminate themselves people began to phone the police hotline to report him - he had nothing to do with his child's disappearance, the police knew this but people still kept reporting him based on the erroneous assumption that everyone who fronts a plea to find their child is guilty.  How many people do you think phoned up & pointed the finger at Holly Wells and Jessica Chapmans parents before Ian Huntley was arrested?  

    Madeline McCann's parents are guilty of a lot of things but I don't believe murdering their child or being complicit in her disappearance is one of them.

    There is no proof that the child was murdered, there is insufficient proof to demonstrate she was abducted, we may never know what has happened to her.

    You're a clear demonstration that people pick & choose what they want to believe - the fluids in the hire car have already been discounted, did you stop reading about the case after the story moved off the front page?

  27. i also agree with you i think teh parents KILLED little maddy and we dont need evidence i personally think that.

    The investigation on the parents shoud never had been closed.


    P.S lots of people agree that Maddys parents killed her(Why leave a little child of that age on her own no matter how many times they checked on her)WHERE'S THE COMMON SENSE

  28. Not knowing the full facts, it is dificult to say. They should at least be charged with neglecting their parental duties. Afterall if they had not left her, it would not have happened.

    My gutfeeling always was, yes, they have something to do with it or know more than they are saying.

  29. No I dont think that  

  30. This is such a dumb question that I feel stupid for even bothering to answer it. JFTR Kate McCann was told to not show emotion in the early interviews as to do so would have given fuel to the sick fantasy of the kidnapper. Who gives a d**n what you believe? My personal feeling is that they made a stupid mistake and they lost their daughter. God help them.

    People like you think they know it all when in reality you don't know your **** from your elbow.

    Get over yourself. Grow up. And I hope you never lose a child.

  31. Well if you think that then its your choice but don't you find it a little odd that even the police there think otherwise as they released them both as suspects. Now I wonder why that was or perhaps I should say its you who should wonder why.

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