
Who thinks NBC is biased in favor of USA?

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when Nastia Liukin lost to the chinese girl the nba announcers just kept harping on about how she should have won, and they kept talking about how the scoring system is messed up. if Nastia would have won they would have not have even talked about the system. And on top of that nastia was very unsportsmen like towards the other girls, dont you think NBC is biased to the usa and dont you think that the usa athlets are very unsportsment like,makes u wanna throw up huh?




  1. No it would be unsports man if liek during a football game you would see nbc doing commericals about one team instead of another. what do you want NBC to be supporting china, were in the friggin USA, what other team should we support?

  2. its understandable why nastia was dumbfounded at how she got silver when she earned gold...  

  3. It's quite unprofessional.  You're definitely not supposed to show obvious bias during an event.  To not only say that you believe Liukin should've won, but to have the audacity to say that "I'm going through all of the deductions and Liukin should have more points" on live TV is just horrible.  Of course, there's no escaping this horrible commentary because NBC blocks out all other broadcasting stations, so I can't watch it through a Chinese channel via dish.

    How angry would you be if you were a fan of one of the other girls, and all they do is show Liukin every other scene and talk about how she was robbed, and then show the girl you liked and just blow her off as not a threat to win?  On top of that, you could only watch it 12 hours after it actually happened because NBC blacks out everything.

    So we are stuck with the worse Olympic coverage ever.  I watch everything I can on NBC online, as the lack of crappy commentary is very refreshing, but there's no escape when it comes to gymnastics.

    With that being said, Liukin handled herself very well.  It must have been difficult to handle getting the silver on an arbitrary tiebreaker after she had performed so well.  The American athletes have actually showed less arrogance and much better sportsmanship than they have in the recent past, so they should be commended for that.

  4. Well... DUH! Its and American Corporation...  And the scoring system was messed up.. It was clear as day.. Once of the girl practically landed on her knees.. From the look on her face even she knew she messed up.. RIGGED!!! Go USA!!!  

  5. If you don't like it, change the channel.

    I agree with the announcer.

    The announcer did his jobs, she should have won nad he is not just a  broadcaster, but an anylist, I believe him.

  6. It's an American company what do you expect? Are they suppose to all be robots

  7. Well your announcers is some guy, a girl, and some guy who sounds like he's a g*y. What do you think?

  8. It's based in the United States...what do you think would have happen.

  9. Did you even watch the routine? He explained why he thought Nastia should have won.

    And you are blaming her for being pissed for getting put in second against someone who scored the exact same and she doesn't know why?

    US aren't unsportsman-like. Look at the womens 100m sprint, the Americans weren't boasting or anything, unlike Usain Bolt who pumped his chest and did a "where's everyone?" arm wave before he even finished.

  10. Turn it off!

  11. Well of course they're slightly biased toward the US.  They're in the US aren't they?  What kind of a question is this?  Use your head!

    But seriously, I think the IOC and judges of the gymnastics n stuff are biased toward China.

    Dude, YOU make me wanna throw up.  :]

  12. First of all If you new anything about gymnastics you would understand.China is using underage gymnasts that shouldnt even be there.Heres some of the proof.                                                 You probably wouldnt be very happy either if you new you got cheated.

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