
Who thinks Obama's speech to Germany was degrading to America?

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He used half of President Reagans and JFK speeches. He undermined America stating he is standing in front of Germany as a citizen of the World what's this all about? It was a boring speech that meant absolutely nothing and he was embarrased with the U.S.. I resent him speaking for American people he is not my representative! He truly believes he's President!




  1. He did a good job.

    Wasn't that the intent?

  2. I don't think he degraded America. I think America has degraded itself for the past 8 years by allowing Bush and his cronies to get away with what they've gotten away with. Oh, and Obama appears more presidential than that meandering fool, John McCain. That mindless old f**t can't even put two sentences together without making a complete fool out of himself. And since McCain is seen by the rest of the world as being an extension of G.W. Bush, I don't think he'd be greeted as warmly by the rest of the world as Obama has been.

  3. Confused people with poor comprehension skills think his speech in Germany was degrading to America.

  4. obama for some reason thinks he is the president of the world he is pushing a one world government and people treat him like a rock star, im sick of the media attn of cnn nbc msnbc praising him no matter what he does but gives mccain little air time, we must keep him out of the office of the president . wake up america before it is too late vote for mccain

  5. I would be embarrassed for the US as a whole... Can you not see it??? Apologies for the US people who agree with me, and i know you are out there, but this is why i disagree with you even asking this question.

    Your current president is a fool... You should be thankfull for obama, he may be able to help rectify the fact that everyone hates you even if he cant help that fact that your country is going into another recession. He may also be able to help educated the majority so you guys can locate on a map the places you guys are targeting with your military.

    I hope he becomes president... Its him or mccain... and mccain keeps messing up on his geography as well. *hangs head for the US* The leader of a country should be a good representative of the people... and i really think there is good in america, and Obama is the first i have seen of it when it comes to politics...

    I really hope God Blesses America either way. I don't want to see you guys suffer because the majority is ignorant.

  6. I thought it was embarrassing.  It's a naked, narcissistic publicity tour.


  8. i believe reagan was as much part of the one world government as the clintons are, as much as the Bush(es) are and Obama is too.

    i dont know what to think of obama (a black man)  speaking publicly in a foreign country to a people that once believed in white supremacy. is it a slap in the face to Race purity beliefs.

    Glenn Beck offered a couple sound bites. on his show and mentioned that we should all bow down to a world king NOT the servant of the united states.

    standing in Germany was also very symbolic, under the raised statue of an gold angel which glenn translated as a statue of victory which Hitler moved and placed there. is that a coincidence? is not germany also the nation of bilderberg group and the agreements of One world Order.

    I think this group is allegated as being one of the worst ungodly secret societies on the planet. it is also alleged this group is undermining american sovereignity.

  9. I certainly do.  He's a dirtbag who wants to destroy our sovereignty and compromise all of the standards this nation was founded on.

  10. I suspect that you are not the only one. The American people are what makes this country great, not politicians of any stripe, and it is because of this that Obama will fall, despite the press attempts to elevate him to Messiah status.

  11. I think his speech actually hurts America. I mean, the Germans probably think we are trying to further the 'one world gov't.' agenda, and Obama is running for 'world president'.

    ..Think about this..what if a German chancellor was running and came to America to campaign. Wouldn't you be suspicious of his motives?

  12. Ever hear of the one world nation? I think that is what he is seeking or at least propagating.

  13. It sounds like you have a problem.  If it was so boring, then why did you waste your time watching and listening to it?  When little georgie bush is on the tube I turn it off, or go to another station.

  14. Not I.

    As a matter of fact -- after enduring the catastrophic embarrassment of being identified with George W. Bush for the past eight years -- I don't think I'll ever be "embarrassed" again.

  15. He is also wasting our TAX money over there.  Security & Secret Service

    We have to pay for their meals & a place to sleep also over there.

  16. He called himself a jelly doughnut in

    Kevin S, your a phuckin' dumb as.s.

  17. I think we all should feel that we are citizens of the world. It would make it a better place. I'm only responding to that quote. Unfortunately, I didn't get to hear the speech.

  18. Obama , himself, is degrading to America.  Obama and Europe have no clue.   History has shown that you do not have peace , cannot have peace in the world by holding hands with terrorists and evil, singing kum by ya.  Wake up, the only way for peace is through strength.  Obama has no clue, if he is elected President of America, he will weaken our country and sell us out and we will see another 9/11.  He would be a disgrace as our President.

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