
Who thinks Obama deserves credit over his defense of Palin's daughter?

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As a Hillary supporter and now a McCain supporter, I would like to congratulate Obama for telling people that Palin's daughter is off limits and for telling his own supporters to lay off this matter.




  1. Yeah, you can bet they will do just that, now won't they?

  2. He deserves no more credit than anyone else - no politician would ever say anything different.

    I think the daughter thing is a flash in the pan... Sarah Palin has enough other serious shortcomings that will occupy reporters for the next few months.

  3. Do I think what he did was respectful? ... Yes most definately!

    Does he deserve any credit? ... No, he was doing exactly what any good American should do, and put the mudslinging aside

  4. Absolutely.

    It must be nice to be running against a man of class who does not feel the need to stoop and campaign negatively. I admire Barack for this and more.

  5. If you were a true Hilary supporter you would be behind Obama. Your congrats on his defense of Palin's daughter doe's nothing to help him at the polls. Trust and believe Obama is just playing smart Politics to pave the road for any furthering of his Political Career.  also he is making a verbal deductible payment if you will on his daughter's future life and decisions re: marriage/pregnancy etc..  

  6. I think it was extremely classy, and I'm SO proud of him for doing that. At first I was like "what? he said that?" And then I figured he was just nice in nature.

  7. Obama is a class act.

    Enough said.

  8. I agree. It's an unfortunate situation and it needs to be off limits. It is also a topic which is suitable for "dirty tricks". So people, don't get suckered in. This is one of the only reasonable questions on here, about this. Thank you.

  9. He did the right thing, Palin's daughter should be off limits. Family should be off limits PERIOD! There are far more pressing issuing to deal with.

  10. wholeheartedly agree with the first answer

  11. Obama has class after what they did to Michelle. I can bet you that if this is Obama's daughter, that would be the end of it.

  12. After hearing Obama say "hands off family's" I turned to my wife and remarked "Now that's something I can agree with."

    That's all the credit he gets though.  He still flopped on wearing the flag pin, and flopped on his pastor of 17 years, and he is still in favor of abortion and letting children who survive abortion die on a nearby shelf afterwards, and he still does not understand the crisis our world is in because of extremist Islamists.

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