
Who thinks Obama hasn't accomplished anything?

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He's accomplished a lot in his short time and could do even more to help out this country if elected President. I'm asking why supporters of other people look past this and don't like him. Can you tell me why he doesn't deserve to be president? If your a Republican, don't just say because he's a Democrat because that's a pathetic answer that should prove that you are a horribly uninformed voter. If you say McCain, please just give a better reason than "he's a republican"...Just because he's a Republican doesn't mean he meets what you want a President to be. I'm the same way...I vote how everyone should, based on the issues the candidate believes in and not the, why wouldn't you vote for Obama...just curious?




  1. The office of president of the United States is the highest office you can hold. the person who runs for that position should be the most qualified, not the most popular. If Each candidate submitted a resume', you wouldn't even consider Obama. His resume would be one page with a lot of fluff. Joe Bidden has a much better resume', so does Ted Kennedy. Obama needs to build his credentials.

  2. Me. If you can not see his lack of experience by now, you never will. He has way too many unanswered questions & the mass media has not done their job by asking the hard questions of him. Obama has been given a pass because those that back him know he brings nothing to the table.

    WHY HASN'T HE ACCOMPLISHED ANYTHING??? He's too busy running for president than being a congressman; he has been running for president longer than he's been in the congress!

    You really must enlighten yourself; get away from CNN & Dem underground--both kool aid pushers. Do some research & form your own opinions. IE: Being in the senate & being a Senator are 2 very different things.

  3. What exactly has he accomplished?  The man has never held a real job.  He's either been in school, in teaching school and then congress.  He voted for giving Telecom's immunity and has changed his stance on the war no less than 4 times since February.  Don't forget the Kenyan village he promised to help and then abandoned (including his own half brother).  If that's an accomplishment, well then America sure has lowered the standards.  

    You really need to listen to his speeches closely.  The man doesn't say anything!  It's all feel good rhetoric with no plan of action.

    McCain isn't any better, but at least he and Hillary had actual plans.

    The man you should be voting for is Ron Paul, but the corporate media made sure he didn't get the attention he deserved  and Diebold fixed the early elections.  If you really cared about this country, you'd write in the true patriot and savior, Ron Paul.

  4. Obama has accomplished being a Senator for 143 days. If you think that qualifies a person for the most important job in the world, then you are somewhat alone.

  5. Did you read some of that rhetoric?  It's so obvious that the Dems don't really think he has accomplished anything of consequence that they had to produce such a thing.  Anyone in the state then U.S. senate voted on most of those things and he has missed or voted present in more votes than anyone else both party's.  What kind of case are you trying to build here?   Joe Biden AND John McCain are both political insiders with over 70 years experience between them.  Obama may or may not be a good president if elected but give it a break.  He hasn't accomplished anything to qualify him to be president. That's why he chose Biden.

  6. Oh, I think he has accomplished a lot.  A lot of lying, a lot of c**p.  I don't trust a man like him who is a smooth talker, who avoids questions, and who has very little experience.  I just do not like that man and I will vote for McCain.  McCain offers experience in the military, experience in life, experience in government.  

  7. Of course he accomplished something, he might have won a few awards here and there in grade schools, he might have been voted as 'most likely to be charismatic and useless senator that merely votes present 80% of the time', but lets face it, he didn't accomplish anything in his career as a politician beside vote present and ran for president.  

  8. Why ask the question? Obviously, republicans will say they think he hasn't and we, the smart ones, will say that he has. Because he has.

  9. How much experience is needed to be President?  Look at Bush.  We need honesty, integrity, and a Democrat who is capable of appointing Supreme Court Justices during the next term who aren't like Roberts and Alito.  Who wants a Washington insider who only represents corporations and the illuminati?  Being President takes intelligence, common sense and a commitment to the people, and Obama appears to have that, along with energy and charisma.  

  10. He is a US sentator. Of course he has accomplished something. The question is whether he has accomplished enough to handle the job of president.

  11. Only the sky is falling cynical type individuals; walking around thinking the glass is never half full but half empty. One never really knows what's in the minds of the twisted.  

  12. Yes-he has accomplished SOME things. But its where he stands on the issues that turns me against him. Sorry.  

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