
Who thinks Queen Elizabeth II should disolve Parliament and the Commonwealth?

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Then bring back the British Empire (the greatest, largest and most populous empire ever) and make the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland an absolute monarchy?




  1. Isn't the United Kingdom de-evolving instead?  Wales, Northern Ireland, and Scotland each has its own national unicameral assembly or parliament, and if the Scottish Nationalist Party  (SNP) has its way, Scotland will succeed whereupon it will be a republic.

  2. No, this is not the answer to the world's problems. It would be far better to dissolve the Queen. This should be done painlessly and under medical supervision. Once her body has been fully dissolved, the resultant fluid could be used to power Mad Prince Charlie's gas guzzling, environmentally unfriendly motor car.

  3. I don't think so, monarchies nowadays are more like a national symbol for the countries that keep them alive. In the case of United Kingdom where the Queen still has lots of governmental functions, she is more like head of state than head of government. The tendency are representative governments.

  4. I highly doubt she could get away with all of that.  If the majority government brought her a bill and she refused to give her assent, that alone, that small act of basically vetoing a bill, would set off a huge constitutional crisis in Britain.  It hasn't been done in more than 150 years. The monarchy technically does have some power, but trying to use it could have disastrous results, unless parliament did something that a clear majority of her subjects were very much against, she could not effectively oppose parliament.

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