
Who thinks Sarah Palin rocks?

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I do!




  1. i dooooooooooooooooooooooooo think she rocksssssssssss

  2. That would be me I just bought my bumper stickers. She is great.

  3. She delivered an AWESOME speech last night and I think that alone has really challanged the democratic party.  Biden even respects what she said and how she said it.

  4. I do!  She was awesome last night.

  5. Did you forget to take your meds again,no wonder.

  6. Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I'm sure she rocks Trig when she takes the time to hold him.

  8. i loved her speech last night, i didn't care that I had to get up at 4 am

    I still watched it.

    her zingers were subtle, truthful, and powerful...

    get 'em!

  9. She is the best thing to happen to politics in a long time.

  10. Great speaker but is a loon when it comes to her political views... she says drill now and she lives in Alaska??? Hello has she ever heard of something called, CLIMATE CHANGE?! it's happening in her own state!! and she is blind to that FACT! if they drill now, it will lower prices a little (maybe) but will also create more pollution to this world and even worse, that region which is already melting like crazy, the Republicans might as well go and shoot the polar bears now, and save them the suffering they soon will experience IF McCain/Palin get in office.  

  11. I do too!

    Last night was incredible - all the pressure, all the media attacks - and yet - all the poise, the confidence, the humor...

    ...she hit a grand slam home run last night and I CAN'T WAIT to see her rip Joe Biden a new one in the debates!!

  12. I do.  Go Sarah!!!!


  14. Ask yourselves this question... If Obama had a 17 yr old, unwed daughter who was pregnant (and Palin's wasn't), do you think these same people would be just as supportive or do you think they would have a field day of viewing the Obama's as neglectful parents?  Be honest with yourselves!!!

  15. Satan.

  16. Me. I am in love.

  17. I do also lol shes a pretty impressive speaker

  18. great speaker, good morales and a great personality!!! i do too

  19. I Dont!

  20. Oh yes, she is even better than Bush.

    Palin is the only candidate that supports banning the birth control pill.

    Gov.Palin is a member of "Feminists for Life", an organization with members that openly support outlawing all "non-abortifacient contraception" (anything that stops implantation of the fertilized egg).

    She may not be able to overturn Roe vs Wade but there is no constitutional right to the birth control pill.

    She presides over a State whose budget has gone from 2.9 billion when she took office to 9 billion next year. 14,692.00 per person in the State. Wow. And they still have to pay Federal tax, and do not have roads between cities.

    Increasing spending by 300% in just less than 2 years. She is better than Bush.

    1200 of it per household is for one new social program by taxing them and giving it back to them

    She was able to get more earmarks and pork for her city of 5000 than St. Paul Minnesota got.

    A true reformer she went against George Bush and sued to get Polar Bears taken off the endangered species list to make the way safe to open up ANWAR.

    Despite her well known experience Palin wants abstinence only taught in schools.

  21. no crazy conservative loonies can't rock

    That's why Van Halen told the republicans to stop using their music

  22. She scares me.

  23. I know she prefers pork over moose burgers.

  24. ME !!!  There is a message within her that i have yearned to hear for well forever and ever now.  Cant put it all into words but i believe one thing she is a fighter that will do whats right for us and not whats right politically. She wont please everyone thats an impossible task and its not her job either her job as she stated over and over is to serve the people and our interests. She will do just that ! Thats all i ask !

  25. I do. She might rescue America from Washington. She is headstrong and unlikely to succomb to party Alaska governor she chose to do what was right, regardless of what her party was doing, even when it meant exposing and stopping corruption within her own party. That takes guts. That takes determination. That takes authentic be willing to take the risk of alienating your entire party in order to do what really is right and in the best interest of people you represent. That means, to me, that her words last night are not just words. Nor are they just campaign promises. She intends to carry her beliefs to Washington and enact them

    "Do-nothing" could not describe her time as Alaska governor...UNLIKE our current Congressmen who came into office saying they were going to bring about sweeping changes, and have accomplished....absolutely nothing. How has the United States been delivered from all its troubles during their term? We have enjoyed such wonderful things as intolerably high gas prices, foreclosures, bank failures, and economic troubles, and a Congress that can't get past party politics long enough to help out struggling Americans by doing something about the fuel crisis.We can't blame the President when in reality no laws get passed without Congress...and this Congress is the root of our current economic troubles. These Congressmen are the same Democrats who are going to get up, next time they are due for re-election, and tell you they represent "the working people of America." I ask them, "when? how? when you raised our taxes? when you made life harder for us by caring more about party politics than about our fuel crisis? when you failed to help us out of the housing crisis? when you destroyed our economy?"

    Obama makes the same promises they did and will accomplish as much as they did....nothing. His past demonstrates this. He has to proclaim loudly all his promises, to dry to drown out how loud his actions are contradicting what he says. He is the self-proclaimed messiah of the working class, but he actually is AGAINST lowering gas taxes, and in favor of raising taxes across the board. Working people, along with all others in America, will have to fight even harder to keep financially solvent in a world of rising prices in every sector due to higher fuel costs, etc.

    I am heartily behind Sarah Palin. She is sensible enough to make good policy decisions, and strong enough to stand against anyone who opposes her (even within her own party).

    The reason she is so hated by some is that they are afraid of her. SHE has backbone and courage, while they cower in fear of public opinion polls and change their stance based on convenience. They SHOULD be afraid of her, because she - unlike them - IS CAPABLE OF BRINGING REAL CHANGE TO AMERICA.


  26. I think McCain has rocks in his head for choosing her!

  27. Yes.

  28. Congratulations.

  29. I do too. I think she's great.

  30. Yes she does...... Is her son single ?  Ouch!.... so painfully hot.

  31. That THE EARTH guy is creepy.  go away creepy old man with your voo doo.

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