
Who thinks Stephanie Meyer should keep writing the Twilight Saga and not continue writing The Host series?

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All you people who are saying "calm down she has a family" and bla bla bla are wrong!!!! She's not going to stop writing...she's writing some stupid other series from The Host.




  1. she has 4 books already out

  2. Stephenie meyer's actually writing the twilight saga from edwards pov now, it's called Midnight Sun. u can read the first chapter here...

    look around on here sight and u can find out all sorts of stuff. i could read about bella and edward forever.... but i did like the host so it would be great if she does something more with it too. just remember, she wrote the host while working on breaking dawn so she can juggle midnight sun and a sequel to the host too.

  3. I dont think it would be too good if she just kept dragging it out.

  4. Give her a break! Personally I liked The Host and  I think the Twilight Saga  should stop Breaking Dawn had a good ending and kind of gave the impression that that was it. Twilight was GREAT but its time for her to write about something else.

  5. oohhhhh me me pick me!

    i luff edward over Ian sooooooo


    ps. and emmett

    pss and jasper

    psss and carlisle

    pssss ewwwwww i hate jacob

    psssss PICK ME XD

  6. Maybe she felt like she was done with the characters.

  7. as much as i love love love the books i think it could ruin it if she carried on just draggin out any little mystery she can. ive heard lots of pple say they became attached to seth and i agree that maybe books from his or jacob's/renesmee's point of view would be interestin. e.g. dilemmas etc that the werewolves/ ( watch, spoiler!) shapeshifters would face

  8. Wow.  She can do whatever she likes.  Personally, I am of the opinion that she should stop writing altogether.  For all you twilight obsessed people though, she's writing Midnight Sun, so technically it's a continuation of the Twilight series.

  9. i would like her to continue the series as well..

    well stephenie meyer is working on another book not technically continuing the series. it's called midnight sun, twilight in edward's perspective. there is no release date yet.

    also stephenie wants to write another book after midnight sun. it will be in either nessie's or leah's perspective. she wants to write it preferably when nessie is 5 so she'll be around 16 or 17. she knows she want to write this book however she does not know if it will be published.

    here's the interview stephenie meyer has about breaking dawn and about continuing the series:

    and i never read the host but i did hear it was good..

    however i would rather read the twilight series, and i would much rather she continue the twilight series rather than the host.

  10. well u cant really continue sumthin thats finished so she has to sort sumthing new

  11. I'm in love with the Twilight series, but I've just recently finished The Host (in fact, today.) and I think it was brilliant. I don't know if she can pull a sequel from The Host, because she might ruin it. But she DEFINATELY should keep writing the Twilight saga.  

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