
Who thinks Time Warner Cable for digital phone has crappy customer service and hides information?

by Guest45021  |  earlier

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First, Time Warner Cable says that they need to schedule a phone service change at least 10 days out so the phone company can verify everything - and they recorded my authorization. Second, they call back a couple days later and, because THEY screwed up the spelling of my name, they have to move the appointment another day out (apparently, the reauthorization to change phone service has to be with the correct spelling of your name). Third, the technician arrives to change the phone service; when I explain that I have a Motorola wireless cable modem, they say that THEY will be replacing it and it will NOT be wireless!

So the Time Warner Cable guy says that he doesn't have a wireless cable modem in his truck (just a regular cable modem) and that I need to call and reschedule again! I tell him that TWC should have informed me that they wanted to change my cable modem, asked whether I had/needed wireless service & made appropriate plans. Now TWC wants to charge $69.95 to install!




  1. I think Time Warner's quality had gone down a lot recently.  I use the cable internet service and it's been acting pretty crappy lately.  I think they're going over their heads or their infrastructure can't handle it anymore.  I hope this won't happen in the future, but I don't know which service is better or more reliable, so I don't know which one to switch to.

  2. Digital phone with ported #s takes 11 business days.  if anything is wrong with any type of spelling they dotn process the order, so it sucks for the customer that the rep didnt verify the spelling or fat fingered the wrong keys.  As far as the current modem you have that should ahve stayed in place and the phone modem should have gone in as well set up in a location where its close to a phone hack and a cable jack.  

    since youve been rescheduled a couple of times  you can get a credit because they offer an on time gaurantee but never offer it unless you are extremly upset.    the phone entry system is whack but it is what it is.   Trust me it may be upsetting cause you dont have the services you want but they will take care of you.  

    Besides how many times does a fast food joint mess up and order yet we ***** and still go back.  

    its all the matter of talking to  the person and not sound upset and things will get done.

  3. call your Public Service Commission and file a complain!!!

  4. they SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. That's insane.  They want to charge ou 70 dollars for something they didn't do??  Oh my word!  I suggest you go to another company.  I was referred to this website  Her information is on the first page.  Give her a call.  I went through her and I pay less than 25 a month for unlimited calling anywhere in Canada and USA.  A percentage of everyone's bills also goes to a Non-profit organization helping handicap, mentally challenged and youth programs, without any extra cost to us.  So I highly recommend you giving them a call.

    Best of luck!


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