
Who thinks Wales will win the 6 nations championship this year?

by Guest56226  |  earlier

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They have played well in the last 2 matches.





  1. France will win...

  2. france will win

  3. I do, I do, I do.

    At the admission of Gavin Henson, Wales only played well for 10 minutes against England but it was enough

  4. yeah i do :)

  5. Though I would like them to  I think France are too strong, Wales make a lot of mistakes but England and especially Scotland today could not capitalise on them. Austin Healy showed numerous occaisions where Scotland had overlaps but were afraid to run at Wales, France seem to be running eerything at the moment and they will take Wales on at every chance and I have a Bad feeling that the French backs will tear the Welsh to shreds.

    But to be fair Wales have more of a chance than anyone else aginst France and it would be nice for Wales to win due to their amazing passion for the game.

  6. Played well??? They will have to play a lot better against Ireland and France otherwise they will get beaten...badly. They've a good team but they should have beaten Scotland by much more today...they squandered chances and gave away needless penalties. Against better opposition they would have been severely punished.

    Gobeithio y gwnânt wella erbyn y gemau yn erbyn Iwerddon a Ffrainc.....mae'r siawns yna i gael y gamp lawn ond rhaid bod yn fwy di-drugaredd â'r gwrthwynebwyr.

  7. I think we may make second place. We've not really played all that well – it would have been shocking if we'd lost yesterday. I think we're in with a chance, but I think France will win overall.

    Still, it would be great if we did win it, wouldn't it?

  8. I dont think Wales will win.It's either France or England.England are playing terribly so i'd say France for sure!

  9. I am rooting for them but i think france will win. They make less errors and have a more balanced team.

  10. Wel it wont be Ashton's bunch of useless Muppet's anyway .

    i think France Will win the championship , Wales the triple crown , Scotland the Calcutta cup and England can be proud of a wooden spoon for their season ha ha ha ha ha !!!!!!!!

  11. The remaining matches are all going to be difficult but I have a great feeling that Wales have the team to win the Grand Slam. We have to dominate up front and if we can stop turn overs our backs can compare with any team in the Northern Hemisphere. Technique has improved and it is the will to win that will pull us through. It is going to take some time to win against the likes of South Africa, Australia and the All Blacks.

  12. Played well!? We've been terrible.France will probably win by 25 points,Ireland 10 and Italy will be a close game.2nd place will be more likely.


  13. Nope. The French will punish your frequent mistakes where the English and the Scots didnt. You're looking good for the triple crown tho

  14. have you watched the same games as me.............?

    We may have won, but playing well????????????


    We have done good for about 15-20 minutes of a game........but hey, a game is 80 minutes long!

    Cymru am Byth I agree with you...........playing well.........soz, have to disagree......

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