
Who thinks Xbox 360 stinks?

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I have had it with the 360. First I got the red ring of death. So I sent it in and got a new one. I was more then willing to let one goof up by xbox to slip. Xbox has some cool games. So anyways NOW my xbox stoped reading my games, dvds, cds. It just shows a error message. So now I have to send it in again. Son of a B..i..t..c..h! Im so sick of this c**p. I tried to be loyal and stand up to Play Station and Nintendo but I cant anymore. Anyone else feel this way?




  1. I won't try to argue about the 360's hardware being pretty crappy, but out of the three systems I think it is still the better GAMING machine.  Even though you have to put up with some c**p when it comes to hardware failure the software and Multiplayer are much better on the 360 than the PS3.

    I do have to say though that the PS3 is a much better MEDIA device than the 360 is thanks to the Blu-ray and how easy it is to set up and use the media streaming.

    The Wii in my opinion isn't even a current gen system.  Its just a freaking PS2 with motion sensing, and worse internet capabilities.

  2. Why would you try and stand up to Sony and Nintendo? Just get a PS3, they have a good lineup of games and alot of good 360 games are cross platform.  

  3. wow, mines real clunky sometimes cause I've jammed it up with 150 or so c.d's.

    not much into games, just forza/ shooter.

    -I still hate Microsoft though.

    Don't ever be loyal just for a name and a few headline games.

    If mine starts jerking me around like that I'll ditch it and get a playstation.

    -helpful question 4 me, cheers

  4. yeah I really like the xbox 360 controller out of the 3 and the games are a lot better but mine also got the ring of death and the one they sent me back freezes when I play madden 09

  5. dude just get a PS3, xbox only has a couple games PS3 doesnt (Halo3 GoW) but PS3 has some great games coming this year/ early next yr Resistance2, LBP, Killzone2, God of War 3. Also as soon as publishers start making bigger games like MGS4 that can't fit on a DVD Xbox is going to start to die. And im getting tired of people saying they have BETTER games, that's not true, they have MORE games because they were out a year earlier but most of their exclusives (except halo and GoW) really aren't any good. All of their good games are on PS3 also.

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