
Who thinks all this stuff about 2012 is stupid?

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Who thinks all this stuff about 2012 is stupid?




  1. The amount of questions on this ridiculous subject doesn't prove its validity whatsoever. It simply shows the power of the internet to disseminate crackpot ideas with no scientific basis, and also the gullibility of large numbers of people.

    I seriously question the intellect and mental health of some of the people who take this stuff seriously. I'm not a astronomer or scientist by profession, yet even I know that these dire predictions are based on superstitious nonsense.

  2. raising hand...

  3. no I don't think its stupid at all .it has gotten folks to reading and doing some research about things they never would have taken an interest in and at the same time have had an enlivened experience on forums such as this one.The amount of questions relating to 2012 proves that.So if by chance you got some new insight or instresting reading along the way then that is a good thing.

  4. Yes I think it is very stupid, the Mayans may have just decided to quit there because they may have thought no one would ever live to see it. Or the math or what they used to make there calender was getting to hard so they just stopped.

  5. i dont no realy im hoping nothing will happen but who nos.a very special star alighnment will happen witch has a very small chance ofdestroying the earth or turning it upside down.but rely who rely i have tosay that i just dont no wat to think about it

  6. There have been lots of doomsday predictions, but we're still here. Eventually, the world will end, though.

    You might say the world is doomed, but without saying what will happen. You'd then be right no matter what happens.

  7. Anyone with an ounce of sanity.

  8. End of the world aztec c**p?  I do.  But I also think we are headed for troubled times, but it has nothing to do with all that 2012 stuff that circulating around.

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