
Who thinks america deserved the 9/11 attacks?

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Who thinks america deserved the 9/11 attacks?




  1. No one does except for the ones who are behnd the attacks.

  2. George W. Bush and his network of Saudi Terrorist and Government agents. Thats why he Ok'd the attack on August 6th, 2001 When first given the briefing. He did not ignore it, he approved it. There is a mountain of evidence which shows that the briefing that day was not a warning but a proposal.  

  3. No man has the right to take the life of another! Did America need a wake-up call... yes... but did we deserve an attack! NO! We have to be be educated on our stance among other nations to be prepared and to focus in on elections and what is good for our country, but an attack is never necessary.  I know Quakers get a lot of slack, but wouldn't it be nice if the whole world had Quaker ideology! lol

  4. it seems the violent fringes of other cultures want to lash out at what they perceive as a perceived imperialistic united states government and it's shallow, greedy society.  

    the actual victims are not responsible for the actions of it's govt or it's society as a whole.  

    so i don't believe the heinous destruction and death was deserved by the innocent people who died on 9/11, nor do i believe the innocent citizens of iraq deserve it either.


  5. Whats your problem with America?

  6. what sort of a stupid question is that!  

  7. no one deserves that. no matter what.

  8. Only those who made the attack possible might think that. But not even those people probably made that assumption because the attack was made to help support a war which helped the weapons industry make a load of money..  

  9. Obviously since he said it, Rev Wright......

  10. No one apart from Muslim extremists.

  11. America hating liberals.

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