
Who thinks atheists should stop worrying about other peoples beliefs?

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If atheists believe there is no God, and religion is fabricated, why are they so determined to prove people who do believe are wrong? If you've discovered for yourself that you no longer believe in God, why criticize and offend other peoples beliefs? If all religions are false, then stop wasting your time trying to disprove it.




  1. you raise a good point, but it goes both ways.

    Personally i'm sick of trying to talk about heavy metal bands and having people come on damning us all to h**l, it happens to the point where i just want to flame people for mentioning god.

    As an agnostic i notice much more people trying to promote their views through religion other than the other way around; i mean if your happy with fairy tales then good luck to you; just leave the rest of us alone.

  2. I agree 110%

    You have such a valid argument!

  3. The problem is that religions, like all the big philosophical debates, are so hugely important to life and our place in the world. People will both assume (believe) they are correct and try to bring around a rival to his/her point of view.

    For my own part, I firmly believe that dialogue and debate between rival opinions are ultimately beneficial to both sides. Would we not want debate and discussion in issues of politics, law and ethics? Of course not! If we debate issues, in a courteous and respectful manner (since both sides can preach fire-and-brimstone at one another and be needlessly offensive), then we have a better chance of a) reaching agreements b) reaching truth and insights c) understanding our own position better and d) removing the bigotry and prejudicece that comes from not understanding the other's point of view.

    I think educated, calm, courteous and respectful debate and dialogue is better for everyone - and prevents a lot more problems than it causes.

  4. The Naturalism of the Atomists is the basis for atheism. As such, nothing like real modern atheism existed for centuries afterward. But Naturalism as a description of the forces of existence was the leading philosophy until Augustine.

    That was a period of about 1000 years. Augustine (and Plotinus) turned the tables. Where once theology was the skeptical position of Naturalism, Augustine made Naturalism the skeptical position of theology.

    Theology and Naturalism have been locked at the hip since 500 B.C. Don't think that what you see is anything odd or unusual.

    What is unusual is the anger and stupidity shown on both sides, as the debate is waged by people who do not know the history of both sides.

    I wrote a 5 part series on this subject 8.11-8.16.08

  5. Amen to that!  

  6. Let's re-write your question, shall we?

    "Who thinks believers should stop worrying about other peoples beliefs?

    If you believe there is only one God, and other belief systems (including atheism) are fabricated, why are people so determined to prove that people who believe differently are wrong? If you've discovered for yourself that you believe in a particular God, why criticize and offend other peoples beliefs? If atheism and all other religions are false, then stop wasting your time trying to disprove them."

    You see, if theists weren't so driven to try to convert everyone else--atheist or otherwise--to their own religion, we atheists could care less what fairy tales you choose to embrace as reality.  Atheists aren't militant in a vacuum; it is a direct reaction to religious militancy, to religious unreason, to religious attempts to impose religion (and usually a specific one) upon everyone, to religious attempts to censor science, etc. etc.  If it seems that atheists have been getting uppity in recent years, that we've forgotten our place (which according to religion should be to sit down and shut up), it's because we've simply grown tired of all the constant demonizations and stifling oppression of religion.  Atheists are simply following in the same footsteps as the g*y movement a generation before, the civil rights movement for blacks a generation before that, and the women's suffrage movement before that.  Every time, it was religion that said, "These are inferior people.  We can not and should not treat them as equals, lest society fall into hedonism and collapse.  Discrimination is warranted."

    Oh, and regarding the issue of offense...believers have been giving stupendously great offense to atheists for centuries.  We are constantly accused of being communists, amoral, nihilists, elitists, hedonists, and even (one of my favorites) devil worshipers.  For decades we have been expected to take these lies sitting down, and criticism of religion in any way was an offense akin to pedophilia.  (Ironic, considering the actions of certain clergy members toward their altar boys....)  Even to this day, most believers have a natural expectation that religion in general, and their personal religion in particular, should be exempt from public criticism.  It's OK to criticize one's politics, or fashion sense, or intelligence level, but to say that religions are ridiculous?  Blasphemy!

    By the way, blasphemy means giving offense to religion.  Religion even has its own word for being offended!  Politics doesn't.  Science doesn't.  And atheism sure as h**l doesn't.  Only with religion is offending a person's beliefs considered a crime.  Double standard with regard to offense?  You bet.  But the double standard isn't with us atheists, but with you believers.

  7. who thinks Christan's should stop worrying about other people's beliefs? why did you choose to complain about atheists?

    good point with the double standards thing though.

  8. First of all, great question.  I have to say though atheists are not that much unlike religious folks.  They both stand what they believe in and for the most part they both try to convince people they are right.

    I've had countless discussions with atheists, agnostics, highly religious, religious out of convenience, etc while I was in the Marine Corps.... Personally I'm religious, but I won't preach here.  I have my beliefs and Atheists have theirs, they are just trying to make the world a better place in their eyes.  They view religion as flawed or fallacious fundamentally.  They may not say its bad, but just wrong.

    I can empathize with that.  I feel the same way as a person that believes in God.  I've had discussions with Atheists and they are good people from what I gather.  I think that it is everyone's right and duty to speak to what they BELIEVE in.  All they and those who believe in God are trying to do is help you become a better person in their eyes.

    So, with that,  I am happy when people try to convince me there is no God, I welcome it because I know they are just trying to help.  Of course, I have to try to help them too ; )

  9. I would argue the point that Atheism requires just as much faith and belief as any of the main stream religions.  

    Dr Dawkins is a prime example, he will blame a person of faith that they are not open minded to the possibility of no God/s what so ever.

    However he's just as close minded, as he will not entertain the notion that there might just be a God.

    He's got his premise totally wrong.  And I'd go so far as to say he's a non-bible basher :-D

    Basically you can believe what you want, it rude and ignorant to try and force others to have your view.

  10. Yes, it's quite true that everyone should stop worrying about everyone else's beliefs and here's why:

    Here are the lyrics to What the world needs now is love:

    What the world needs now is love, sweet love

    It's the only thing that there's just too little of

    What the world needs now is love, sweet love,

    No not just for some but for everyone.

    Lord, we don't need another mountain,

    There are mountains and hillsides enough to climb

    There are oceans and rivers enough to cross,

    Enough to last till the end of time.

    What the world needs now is love, sweet love

    It's the only thing that there's just too little of

    What the world needs now is love, sweet love,

    No, not just for some but for everyone.

    Lord, we don't need another meadow

    There are cornfields and wheat fields enough to grow

    There are sunbeams and moonbeams enough to shine

    Oh listen, lord, if you want to know.

    What the world needs now is love, sweet love

    It's the only thing that there's just too little of

    What the world needs now is love, sweet love,

    No, not just for some but for everyone.

    No, not just for some, oh, but just for everyone.

  11. I'm an atheist, and find this to be a rather humorous question, because all my life, I have had religion shoved down my throat. I have been condemned because of my lack of faith, ridiculed, even. The only time a try and discuss it to theists is when they are trying to convert me and "save my soul".

    To hear someone say that about atheists... it's hilarious. The pot calling the kettle black.

    I do recognize a double standard, but whose is it? Atheists never burned anyone at the stake for saying god was real. Even in modern day, atheists are shunned and abused by theists, disdained and considered less worthy, and, when we defend our position from the attacks upon it and upon us, we get "Quit forcing your beliefs on others!" from those who force feed us theirs.

  12. Like Dot Com says, it goes both ways.

    About the heavy metal thing...well Rock and Roll generally is looked down upon by some faiths like Hillsong for example. Albeit a lot of Rock lyrics are very deep and insightful and there's nothing demonic about them at all!!

  13. Simple ! That's because " A-theism ," as the very term indicates , is a negation of something , & not a theory in itself . Were there no theists , atheists would have nothing to deny !

  14. Hi Doomsday,

    Because it's an important question, because religion is forced upon us all the time, and please don't tell me it's not that because I don't want to go there. When someone keeps telling you things like  that you're immoral or that you can marry whoever you want to marry or that you have to say that you believe in God when you become an US citizen then you will probably want to disprove that person, wouldn't you?

    I love the way you put it, "offend other people's believes", so you're actually admitting that most atheist are not actually offending other people but their believes. The problem is that most people have been brainwashed to believe that they are their believes, similar to what happens with nationalists when you say something like: "The US did something evil when they invaded x country", I'm not saying you're evil, you're not the US, you're John or Mark or whoever you are, so if I say I believe Jesus had psychological problems for instance I'm not trying to offend you, I'm talking about Jesus, if you take that personally, whose fault is that?,

    If religion wasn't forced upon people and we didn't have wars being fought in the name of God discussions about God existence would probably only occur in science mags, but as long as religion is a force that tries to stop us from being free, this books and debates are going to continue, so get used to it.

  15. There's a scientific reason for people having delusional world views, so why worry about it, i just understand them, roll my eyes, and back away...

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