
Who thinks canadas better than the states?

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Who thinks canadas better than the states?




  1. Now that I am in the twilight of my life my opinions are to be respected.

    I have been accused by some for being a homer.

    I pray whenever a hearse goes by on the Highway of Heroes. (Hwy 401 between Trenton and the Don Valley Parkway)

    I am Canadian and I'm proud of it. I have been in 10 Provinces and 1 Territory.

    I have also visited 37 of the States in the Union and am going to visit a few more before this year ends.

    In Canada I vote Conservative but if I were living in the US I'd vote Democrat.

    Until I retired I ran a small business in Canada that often did work for American clients because Canadian Government opinion did not approve of my expertise. But I wouldn't move to the US to do this work.

    Which is better?

    Look out your window do you like what you see?

    Can you make a difference in the things you don't like?

    Are you free to worship if you wish, love if you want to, laugh if you feel like it and smile for no reason at all?

    If so then you are living in the greatest country in the world.

    I know I am.

    Peace and love,


  2. in general-no

    in hockey-yes

  3. Every Canadian thinks it's better because they're from there.

    I bet most Americans think that "the states" are better than Canada because they live in "the states".

    By the way, what did this have to do with hockey?

  4. ....seriously.. who cares?

  5. Redwingsdynasty..........You live across the boarder and think you know about our health care system...give me a break!! Both countries have their good and bad points... How much for instance will it cost you down there to have a leg set if you don't have insurance? Thousands..right. Hate to see what a heart operation would cost me...probably everything I had for the rest of my life.

       Your health care system is built for the "haves" and not the "have nots".  So we have a few back logs...people are free to go where they want...but at least they have some place to go! Funny how just about every politician in the US is playing with the idea of Universal Health Care. If you perfect it...GREAT...we could use some pointers.

      PS...I live in Mother is doing just GREAT after her heart operation...and she had it done within' 3 days...she was also offered the choice of going to TORONTO to have it done the next day.


  6. Canada's full of socialist pigs !

  7. In hockey, curling, maple syrup, winter driving, cold weather toughness, snow fort / tunnel construction, snowball fighting, snowman making, "fox and geese", snow angel making, selecting the perfect NATURAL Christmas tree, making ginger ale, poutine, speaking French, skiing, tobaggoning, skating, peaceful living - yes.

  8. Canadian hockey rocks!!!!!!

  9. This person does not represent anyone else in Canada....

  10. I'm an American who likes Canada better.   But don't post questions like this to try and stir up trouble.

  11. At curling? Certainly!

    At hockey? It would seem so!

    Their Healthcare system? Yep!

    Style of Democracy? I would argue that they are.

    Overall? Who the h**l cares? They are both proud and successful nations with rich history and culture. That's all that matters.

    **Redwings, our system is great for those who can afford insurance. My job doesn't offer it. And, I didn't say the execution was better, I believe the system and the IDEA that it is a right and not a privledge is better. I'm not bleeding heart liberal, but when I see my neighbor working 3 jobs to pay for her prescriptions, I think somethings wrong.

    Let's not be hasty in calling someone out on their research....

    **Beer, you are absolutely right. Millions in the US cannot afford health care. People can't afford to go to the doctors or get their prescriptions so they wait until they are on their deathbed and must go to the emergency room, and everyone else has to pay for it. Does that sound like the answer?

  12. I can live anywhere I want to and I chose the United States for the last 48 years. So..........

  13. Ok... this is under hockey... so is your question..

    1. Are the Canadian hockey teams better than the American ones..


    2. Is Canadian hockey better than American hockey.

    Yep, those are two different questions. :D

  14. nobody

  15. I prefer Iceland or Norway, actually.

  16. In hockey?? I do

  17. The Canadians apparently....

  18. Canadians...some americans and foreigners

  19. theiceman86, maybe you should research their healthcare systems, and thus their government's "style of democracy" and infrastructure.  the weak, underfunded socialist healthcare system in canada does not and cannot possibly allocate the necessary funding to support top notch health facilities like we have the luxury of enjoying in the U.S.  As a Detroit native with a dad who works in healthcare, I witness Canada's plight on a regular basis.  Every day, hundreds of Canadians are put on waiting lists at Michigan health facilities, hospitals, and clinics to have intrinsic, expensive surgeries that can only be done by the best in the business.  don't even try scheduling a triple bypass surgery in lower ontario; they'll just refer you to one of our many overbooked locations in the canadian-accessible southeastern michigan area.  it's gotten so bad that private practices, which are illegal in canada, have been in operation with no reprimands from the very-much-aware government because the government knows that their self-funded healthcare system doesnt even have the ability to support their population's needs.

    for hockey...canada will always be the best.  better than europe, better than the U.S.  that's what happens when an entire country designates 97% of their athletic talent pool, as well as employees in the sports industry, to one specific sport.  hockey is part of the canadian national identity, and that is something that will never change (as hockey continues the grow in the U.S. the gap will be closed, but never completely as hockey will never be number 1 in the U.S., if even number 2 at that).

    beerslayer, only half of the politicians are entertaining the quaint little idea of government funded healthcare.  in the united states, there are a lot more people who dont pay taxes or have insurance.  a government regulated healthcare system would cost our country 10 times the amount (proportionally, per capita) that it costs your country.  our government is already providing too many handouts to those who take them for granted and do not work to improve their lives so long as the government is catering to them.  we live in a very different reality in the United States that you cannot understand.  continue to increase taxes in the state of Michigan with our current economy (because of those who buy foreign cars, we are dead last in the nation), and see what type of chaos ensues.  the other more conservative half of the U.S. that lives in the real world free of hypothetical fantasy worlds of an all equal population where everybody does there part to live in harmony, realizes that this dream of "healthcare for all" benefits those who do not work for a living or deserve such special treatment.  it is unfortunate that many that cannot help themselves go without treatment, but the overall effect would hurt our economy so deeply that the problems we set out to fix could be further complicated by the damage done to michigan incomes.  healthcare is an industry in the United States.  Michigan has already lost enough jobs.  I don't need my dad looking for a new one because a socialist w***e like Billary Clinton who lives detached from reality in liberal New York, or a Islamic Jihad school graduate like Barack Obama thought that all American residents have the right to everything imaginable.  You have the right to work for a living and make something for yourself.  You don't have the right to infringe on the benefits of others because you know the government will provide everything you need.  IN YOUR EYE SON!

  20. Moi

  21. I think hockey is better

  22. Until tax time, I do.

    Lots of good things about both countries. You missed the boat as far as Canadians asking better questions, though.

  23. in hockey?  just about everyone

  24. In terms of producing mediocre NHL players, yes, Canada is better!

  25. whoa ...thats just what one of our dumb *** canadians think will be a humorous question.........we have a few as do you , lets not make this a nation issue on a board dedicated to a sport that we love on both sides of the border thats what gives us our commonality (is that a word??).

    Lets just get these dumbass questions removed!

  26. yea they arn't sorry bud

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