
Who thinks deanna made a dumb choice by picking jesse??

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who thinks deanna made a dumb choice by picking jesse?

i did

and jason is going to be the next bachelor!!!!




  1. Jason will find someone

    But I was Jesse Fan frm the start.

    Form the top 4 I cold tell she was in love with Jesse.

    She kept saying she was blessed to met Jesse,blessed for him to be in her life, ''magic'' kiss, ''grown so much.'' and when she was describing the guys she talked about the guys she talked about what THEY WERE LIKE for Jason Jeremy and Grahamn but for jesse HOW SHE FELT WHEN SHE WAS WITH HIM, HOW SHE ACTED, AND HE WAS THE ONLY ONE THAT SHE USED THE WORD ''LOVE'' WITH ONLY JESSE. ( I love how I feel when I'm with him I love how I act I love etc.) So stop beating and hating

    Jason is going to be bachlor!

    She can only pick who she loves.

  2. yeah it should have been jeremy

  3. hi lol

  4. I think she made the wrong choice !! But hey  Jason deserves better than her ! So I say GO JASON !!

  5. Actually, only Deanna knows if she made the dumb choice or not.  She seems to genuinely love him, he probably has a lot more in common with her than we have seen on TV.  Remember, they don't show everything on television.  I was actually rooting for Jesse fromt he beginning, because he was different, and not quite so proper as the other guys.  

  6. I agree- DeAnna was stupid to not choose him, but I am glad we will see him as The Bachelor. I saw pics of her and Jesse and she looks terrible, so I guess that's karma. It looked like she gained about 30 pounds, and I was wondering if maybe she is preggers or something!

    I don't know if I can wait until January to see Jason!!  

  7. I think Deanna made the perfect choice. who is anyone to say otherwise.

  8. she made the right choice.  Now I can have him.  Thanks DeAnna

  9. I do.  I think she let the better choice for her go because he has a child and Jesse is still young, exciting and has no children.

    She'll wake up soon when she realizes that (as great a guy as I think Jesse is), he still needs to grow up a little, find his way and settle down.  

    He doesn't even know what he wants to do in life once he can no longer Snowboard as a career!  

    Sounds pretty d**n unstable to me.

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