
Who thinks disney's lost it?

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Personally I just don't think that disney mos are as good as they used to be. I still own bambi, hercules,peter pan, snow white and all those films but high school musical, camp rock etc. Well I dunno they just as good. Who agrees?

Also I think that the 3d animation isn't as good the other kind (dunno what its called)




  1. I would say the group of computer animated Pixar/Disney films are a huge jump in quality and story-telling over past animated Disney films, with the exception of Cars.

  2. I know that you aren't dissing the people who were in those movies, but honestly, if you want to know why modern Disney films aren't as timeless or as moving as the old ones, I think that the first thing you need to look at IS who plays in them.  The Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, and Metro Station are just about as good at acting as Brittney Spears is at singing, and, quite honestly, they're probably even worse when it comes to playing actual music.  I know that they're kids' bands, but man, if I listened to that stuff as a kid, I would be even more screwed up than I am right now as a teenager.

  3. i happen to agree with you. they've lost something very vital that they used to have and now the acting isn't as good. sure, everybody's obsessed with it, but i really think they could do better. the whole disney channel is full of really bad actors and actresses.

    and i know u aren't dissing anyone, but the jonas brothers deserve to be terminated. and hannah montana.

  4. Disney has always done those type of movies. There was a whole slew of them featuring Kurt Russell when he was a kid. They just seem to be focusing on musicals right now. It's a fad. They come and go.

    As long as they focus on a really good 2D animated feature every couple of years, I don't care what other dribble they produce.

  5. You are completly right. I loved all the 90's Disney movies and of course the classic. Now, a lot of the stuff is alright but no where near as awesome as the old **** was.  

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