
Who thinks geelong will be in the grand final?

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Who thinks geelong will be in the grand final?




  1. geelong is a great team and it's all gone right for them and they have all clicked this year...after some hard decisions...i.e. self-suspending a player for 5-6 weeks etc...good luck to them...let them win the first final then we can assess still happens to the best teams...good during the year and gone in the finals...not a cats supporter but they deserve all their success...but only eagles swans have the real finals experience...also geelong won't play home finals at the cattery but at the their goes their home advantage...

  2. yeah - it will geelong v collingwood

  3. They are going great at the moment and probably deserve to be in the Grand Final, but honestly I think they will choke at the last hurdle and only make it as far as the Preliminary Finals.

  4. Only if they dont play the Swans. You remember what happened in 2005 when they went all the way dont you? You had the game won then Nic Davis at the siren. Sorry, dont want to bring back bad memories

  5. geelong - hawthorn

  6. I think they will get in the GF if they dont have to play sydney or west coast to get in coz they are hungry. It would be sad seeing as they have played so well if they dont get in. But sometimes that happens teams wear themselves outbefore the finals. But the GF teams will be the teams with least injuries going into the finals.

  7. If they do it better be against Collingwood.

  8. If they keep playing the football they're playing now then YES

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