
Who thinks global warming is real?

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Here in Switzerland (1st day of Spring) it's SNOWING. I don't live in the mountains and we have hardly had any snow since a flurry last November.




  1. its snowed in moscow today, at the end of march, thats never happened.

    global warming is damaging/changing the natural cycle of things.

  2. I think it's real. I know most people believe it's fake, but hey...!

    Ignorance is bliss--until it's too late.

    Then we hear: "Why didn't you say anything?"

    Uh...we were? But as usual--you weren't *listening*.

  3. Indeed global warming and dimming are real natural cycles, however it is impossible at this moment to measure what sort of effect we as humans are having on the process.

  4. of course it's real! watch "an inconvenient truth". it's got a lot of info . God bless!

  5. Me!

  6. Hello,

    (ANS) My answer is YES! I do definitely think global warming and global climate change IS REAL !! WHY?

    No.1 Looking at the signs & symptoms and looking at it logically. Man has been pumping waste gases and waste products into the environment for the last 150-200 years.

    This pollution has been going on since the Industrial Revolution and since the invention of the internal combustion engine (car) & jet aircraft, and as a result of factory based mass production processes. Yet humans have collectively turned a blind eye to this dumping, with an out of sight out of mind mentality. i.e. we haven't been looking after the Earth with the respect it truly deserves.

    No.2 NOTE: MORE EVIDENCE!! A group of highly respected scientist and climate specialists have been collecting data from around the world for the last 30-40 years (based in the USA) & have now collated this information using a Crey Super Computer (one of the most powerful computers in the world). Using highly sophisticated climate modeling software the results show a) how the earth's climate would have changed by a small % of a degree WITHOUT mans interference b) how the earths climate IS now changing due totally to mans impact i.e. pollution c) if you place graph (a) alongside graph (b) then you get graph (c) this shows clear evidence of climate change due 100% to man.

    In other words this is irrefutable evidence of mans impact of the planet and creating climate change due to global warming.

    No.3 The earths weather system is changing and here in the UK the seasons seem to be going hay wire and blurring.

    YES! I believe global warming is REAL and is happening NOW, in fact I think its speeding up if the evidence is to be believed.

    **You cannot undo 200 years of pollution in a few decades and thats the real problem that humans DON'T seem to have woken up to.


  7. In reply to the cliff rant,

    seriously listen to yourself for a second!

    ok I paused and listened so I forgive you for your mindset, you'll be gone soon

  8. It's real, it's natural, and it will be over all too quickly.

  9. I vote for

    Cliff '08

    well put...

  10. Its is real for sure.

  11. MEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. ofcourse, it is real!

  13. Evidently 100 percent of the experts. The only people arguing against it are financially motivated political hacks.

  14. It's real but tips and tippers direction are not correct - it's not politics that needs sounds of mamoth gathering and tigers roaring.


  15. This is one of those questions which really needs qualification.

    This current period of 'global warming began about 1500 years ago!

    Enjoy it while it lasts.

    Especially with the extortionate price we are paying just to try and keep warm in the winter with high fuel prices.

    If you are asking if man has any impact then the answer is a definite NO!

    Do not be arrogant enough to believe that man has any impact, or can do anything about it!

    Stop wasting our time and money on a myth.

    Check out the facts!

    Stop supporting the IPCC, Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, and similar organizations which are only their now to take your money!

    If the science actually showed that man was responsible (in even a small way) I would be at the top of the list to fight against it.

    CO2 is not a 'greenhouse gas'.

    CO2 does not cause 'global warming'.

    CO2 is needed for life to exist on earth.(Conveniently overlooked)

    CO2 does not destroy the ozone layer.

    There has never been a 'HOLE' in the ozone layer.(only yearly cyclical 'lower than normal concentrations)

    I am sick and tired of hearing every day about 'global warming'.

    If we have a week or so of warmer than normal weather in summer, it's blamed on 'global warming'.

    If we are experiencing a warmer than normal winter, it's blamed on 'global warming'.

    If we are experiencing a blizzard or hurricane then it's got to be due to 'global warming'.

    If we have a heavy downpour it's again got to be due to 'global warming'.

    We tend to observe and relate to events that occur during our lifetimes.

    If you're an 'old f**t' like me you might say " I can remember 3 feet of snow in winter when I was young, that doesn't happen anymore".

    This may be true. I can remember when I was a young child living in the Seattle area when we had a blizzard. We thought it was great fun to play in the snow and make a snowman.

    That happened about 1960.

    Normally, if you did get snow, you may only get one or two minor snowfalls which may be from a slight dusting up to 3 or 4 inches.

    Most winters it only rained!

    Yet 10 or so years before I was born, my parents told me of the time that my father was working two jobs to try to make ends meet and used to sleep in the spare bedroom downstairs so as not to disturb my mother's sleep when he came home at 3AM.

    He slept with the window above the bed open for fresh air.

    That night there was a huge blizzard with 6 foot drifts.

    When my mother went to wake my father up in the morning she was in a panic because the wind direction had blown the snow through the open window and completely buried my father.

    When my mother dug him out from under the snow his response was that it was the most restful night's sleep he could remember having.

    This was caused by freak weather conditions for the area. Today, such an event would be blamed on 'global warming'.

    If you live in the mid-west, this would practically be a yearly event.

    Like I have said before, please check out the facts.

    Stop listening to the 'Doom and Gloom'.

    Do not believe it just because you saw it on TV or found it on the internet.

    Certainly ignore anything Al Gore is saying.

    After all he is a politician.(We all know that 99.9% of politicians can't think for themselves.)

    Let us stop wasting our resources on myths.

    The amount of wasted time and money dealing with this subject is a real crime.

    Let us spend our money and efforts on things which we can improve such as health care and education.

    I may have offended some of you.

    I only hope this will make you more determined to look into the true science.

    Otherwise you can go back to watching ' Big Brother'.

    Don't be one of those who is following someone who is following someone who is lost!

  16. Not everyone. We're like lobsters in tepid water at the moment

  17. It's real but I think it's cool! I hate the cold and am very sensitive to it, I would love to live in a place like australia or barbados where it is always sunny.......I know it is ment to be a bad thing global warming but we are gonna be dead by that time and i'm sure someone will come up with a solution so people are not harmed!

  18. its deff real

  19. It's all a load of kak made up by politicians so that they can rob more tax off us.

  20. I do?

    If its not real then why are we suffering?

  21. Global warming will fade out as it loses popularity and it is proven, as it is today, that it is wrong again, just like the cooling crisis of the seventies.

    So, whatever is happening is NATURAL.

    These people have such a huge ego to think that WE can do something and are impacting it.

  22. umm its a fact!..IT IS REAL...scientist have explained the changing of around the earth and the fast melting of the ice or glaciers or whatever u call them

  23. Yes global warming and cooling is a natural cycle

  24. Al Gore?

  25. Yes, it is real.  One of the confusing aspects is that weather patterns change and some places may be colder for a while as the forces (wind, rain, snow, etc) shift around according to the new patterns that are emerging.  Overall, it is getting warmer.  In small locations, it is sometimes the opposite - at least for now.

    Cheers! and enjoy the snow while you can!

  26. You and I could argue till...

    There are those who would swear that it's not happening and those who insist that it's already here.

    Just this little reminder-we do impact the environment in which we live in!

    If we don't think so, then this earth will not be able to sustain us in the way we'd like it to.

    It's a 2-way process, but that's another argument, altogether.

    Where does your and everyone's "little" bit of rubbish go?-To the incinerator-does "clean air" come from this process?

    If it's a landfill-wouldn't that be leached into the surroundings?

    Stop to think-you don't need to be alarmist, but just think-

    Is this earth sustainable after all of our "consumeristic" ways?

  27. This year the climate has changed drastically in India in the last 50 years.

    The climate reached an all time low of 8 degrees, which generally would be around 15 degrees.

    The change is there +ive or -ive

  28. One of the hallmarks of climate change is instability, so you shouldn't just expect warming. Having said that, I think it's a difficult question whether humanity is causing the warming. We know that the world has been much hotter and much colder than it is now, so it could all be within natural variation.

  29. Global warming is real...the climate is changing and the seasons are out because of it.

  30. Not Me the seasons are altering because the calender is out!!!

  31. Yes Global warming is real!Watch the video "An Inconvient Truth"to all you people who dont believe in it.The world could end by global warming.So to all you literbugs,


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