
Who thinks globel warming is a big deal?

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you know what i dont think its a huge deal. it gets warm, that happens




  1. yes, of course!

  2. it is not a big deal for you

    because it has not affected you yet,when the price of beer goes up ,because of lack of potable water and when the price of food hits the roof ,you will sing a different tune


    many North Americans are used to fiction and they feel more comfortable with fairytales instead of the truth,

    Many blindly believe that our fate is in Gods hands ,and their focus is on the beautifull heaven that awaits ,they are not to concerned with the world their children will inherrit

    there may come a time that for the sake of our survival the two views will be seperated in to Enemies and friends of the planet

    World leaders are not concerned with the well being of the masses ,on the contrary .it was stated at a conference in Copenhagen,in 1998,by An American statesman , that the Agenda demanded a decrease in the world population of 60%,and you cannot achieve this if you start saving everybody.

    scientists who work for politicians ,get paid by these politicians and they have downplayed the facts because solutions are expensive and means change

    and change effects many peoples incomes,and upsets profit margins,so most of the world is kept in the dark of the real things that are going on.for political and economic reasons


    Global warming is a very complex collection of many effects

    this text only covers some aspects of global warming mainly man made desertification

    industrial contamination ,the contaminating effects of the cities ,is another story

    there are natural cycles in the planets life

    but mans existance has its effects,and this is increasing with overpopulation,putting strains on Natural resources and increasing contaminations as well as destructions of essential componants the ensure living conditions for all life forms

    in North Africa,India,Mexico ,millions of people are effected by land loss and desertification and some have died as a result

    in china, thousands of what used to be farmers are running for their lives from the dust storms that have burried their towns and turned their lands into dessert,

    ,the Sahara is growing by 7 kilometers a year

    and many of the desserts we know are a results of mans actions ,and they are increasing ,not getting less ,in the dinosaurs days ,there were very few desserts.

    collectively this planet is drying up because of bad farming practices like,over grazing and fertilizers,

    each degree rise in temperature means 10%crop loss

    and there is less and less water (because of deforestation),to irrigate this production ,

    and there are less and less farmers to do it..

    and there are 70 million more peole every year that have to eat and drink and wash

    who are overpumping deep carbon aquifiers

    who are plowing more and more unstable lands because they have lost so many million hectares to desertification ,

    because of bad farming practises ,such as using fertilizers and heavy machinary or over grazing


    The northpole is melting ,and we will know it without ice in our life times.

    this does not affect the sea level because it is ice that is already in the water.but the melting ice from Green land and the south pole ,are another matter.

    if forrest are being exchanged for ashalt,concrete and desserts

    what is gonna keep this planet habitable for us

    We as humanity can behave in a less stressful manner as far as the Environment is concerned ,but it will mean global co operation between all countries ,and taking into account human nature and the world politics ,it is unlikely that this will happen, Source(s) Lester E Brown is the director and founder of the global institute of Environment in the United states .he has compiled a report based on all the satalite information available from NASA,and all the information that has

    come from Universities and American embassies WORLD WIDE ,

    his little book--a planet under stress , Plan B has been trans lated into many languages and won the best book award in 2003

  3. It is a huge deal... Our only perk is that we will all be dead before  the Earth heats up soo much that it over heats and drys everything out to the point of death... I guess our kids and their kids have some major problems to deal with... but hats why we need to come together and do our part before we are gone so that everyone else can have a chance to live in a good place like we have for the majority of our lives... not to say our Earth is all that clean anymore, but I guarantee you it is much nicer than it is going to be in say about 100 years

  4. who ever doesn't think it's a big deal is in denial. it's avious that things r changing all over the world

  5. Ithink Global warming is a big deal. if we don't stop now in a few decades the world is going to be in a lot of trouble.!!!

  6. It's a big deal that humans have virtually no control over.  All we can do is clean up our act and take better care of the only place we have to live.  Our actions are hastening global warming, but not the cause.

  7. It's not just that things get a little warmer.

    Coastal areas will flood.  That will require us to move a lot of people and abandon a lot of very expensive stuff.

    There will be drought, which will severely damage agriculture.

    Storms will be more intense, because heat is what fuels storms.

    More here:

  8. Not me. It is a deal, but not a big one.

  9. I'm going to assume, for the sake of argument, that you're a "jazzy" young girl that flits through life without a care in the world. Maybe Daddy's bought you a new car for your high school graduation, and you think 'everything is beautiful'.

    Global warming is a lot more severe than it just "getting warm". It involves the cyclical changes in the Earth, changes that have been escalated because of man's "industrial revolution" and "disposable society" that thinks we can squander all of the planet's natural resources and simply throw away everything we use once we're "done" with it. If you have the courage to further investigate the dramatic changes that global warming will wreak on this Earth, perhaps you'll change your tune once you realize how global warming will have a terrible impact on your children, grand-children and great-grandchildren. -RKO-

  10. Ok I only have one problem with the concept of "Global Warming."  In 1976 supposedly the planet was headed for the " Ice Age".  Can someone explain to me how we went to such extremes in a mere 31 years?  Maybe the internet helped?  Global communication?   And then the other day I was watching the History Channel and they were talking about the fact that Mars and some other planet was getting "hotter."  And of course that would mean the sun was emitting energy in the opposite direction of earth. I don't know.  Maybe all the scientists on the planet need to get together and determine whether we are going into the Ice Age or a Melt Down, because personally, Me Confused.  

    I am with you on this  and all you need to do to be completely confused is a google search.

    This was interesting: A Russian scientist believes global warming may have been triggered by the Tungus meteorite that crashed in a remote part of Siberia almost a century ago. No wonder, since the impact of the meteorite released the equivalent energy of 15 atomic bombs onto our planet. But how in heck to you verify the validity of this?

    See this is the problem with a  kazillion theories.  What do we know about this planet and its history?  How do we know based upon our short journey here, what the history of the planet has been?  

    The Evolutionist's and the Creationist's argue about global warming all the time.  Personally I think there are agenda's involved on both sides and as this is all debated I imagine we could melt into a pool of water and merge into the sea, OR become snow and merge into an iceberg or maybe these trends will just come and go over time. I have seen trends of both my whole life...does that make me old?

  11. it's all a bunch oh B.S.

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