
Who thinks horse slaughter should stop?

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Just say I would then tell why you think it should stop. 10 points for most descripteve! ( I don't care if I spelled descripteve wrong!)




  1. reason for slaughter: (my fav quote of the year, found on fhotd)

    "I mop up. I clean up the mess left by morons who just have to breed their mare." - Kill buyer Manny Phelps

    does that sum up how i think? better then i couldve ever done it.  

    stop over breeding/breeding fugly horses that leads to abuse/nelegct then last to the auction house where they're further abused while in transit to slaughter houses over the boarder in over stuffed stock trucks.

    until then, slaughter houses are slightly needed(and could be more humanely done in this country where we can regulate what happens, how it happens when it happens and how much it happens).

  2. i am a animal lover.

    if we want to stop it, we should have reasons to tell them..

    first, why do we need to stop, the reason is, are horses really meant for food?

    In the first place, I was so shocked to see the word "slaughter" bcoz I thought they were never slaughtered. People's first reaction is mayvbe shocked, horses are very loyal. They are the helping hand of human world! During wars since the first century, they were one of the heroes that we cherished, but in the end, a mudderfuckin' slaughter house wil just end their happines and loyalty to humans? They never fight against humans even they are suffering from heavy work. We should thank horses. But what happens, we abuse their kindness, yes, for me! Stop horse slaughter!

  3. I would.....

    what gives the humans the right to live and horses not the horses are lined up horse after horse just waiting to be killed it is no way for anyone or anything to die and it is very cruel!

  4. So how many unwanted unhealthy mean horses can you afford to take in?  You can find free horses all over the place.  Do you have the money it takes to care for a few of them?  You should think about that before you ask a question against slaughter.

    People like you are the reason horses are being starved, turned loose or abandoned to fend for themselves.  I think horses suffering a slow death is worse than slaughter.

  5. I wish it could, but as long as people are irresponsible in their breeding, trading, etc that is probably the only way to control the unwanted horse population.  I don't know how the horses are "slaughtered" (I prefer to believe that they are euthanized)  but I guess it has to be better than turning them out  in the middle of nowhere to starve to death.

  6. Well, it's not "wrong" p***e for horse slaughter.  Too many horses are bred when they shouldn't be and ending slaughter would only increase the equine population and increase the number of starved, decrepid horse population.  However, the way in which these horses are slaughtered is what irks me and rubs me the wrong way.  CBC aired a short segment on horse slaughter and the way in which it is done versus the way it is "regulated" but not enforced.

  7. I'm against slaughter due to the inhumane manner that it is done in Mexico and Canada, and since there are no slaughter houses in the U.S., kill buyers  ship out of the country routinely.  

    You can go to to see why it should stop.  The TB's at this rescue are given time to heal and are re-homed.  For the most part their only sins were that they just couldn't run fast enough to make their owners money.  Most of the horses on this sight are bought from kill-buyers and their fate would have been slaughter if they had not been rescued.

    I'm not a bleeding heart, but there has to be an alternative to inhumane slaughter.

  8. I do love horses.  But in some cases the horses are better off being sent to slaughter.  The bad thing with the slaughter of horses being banned in the U.S. is that there are now so many horses who are being left to their own devices.  Some people just leave them in a pasture starving, while others put them in the wild.  I don't know about you, but I would rather have a horse be slaughtered then left to die.

    Not only that, but the shelters are filling up, and people still keep breeding.  I do think that the horse population is getting a bit unbearable.  

    However, I do think that the slaughter houses need to be more humane.  In other words: No abusing, feed and water the horses, quick way of killing the horses, and etc.

    And euthanizing a horse is humane, but not everyone can afford it.  I think the best option is to cut down on breeding, and then people can buy horses that are for sale or up for adoption.  This would stop the horse population from getting overwhelming, but then horses could be bought instead of being killed or being left to their own devices.

  9. i hate that they kill horse who only thing they did wrong was not make there owners rich when what they do to the horses are not helping.

  10. i do think horse slaughter should be stop. but the thing is that horse slaughter mostly kill founder, old, etc. these horses are in pain. would you want to suffer if you where in nonstop pain? but the slaughter houses that kill non founder, young, or wild horses should be stopped. at lease the USA slaughter houses don't kill like Mexico ( I'm not races). in the USA we kill with guns, but in Mexico they torcher the horses with knifes.

  11. I'm a horse lover, been around them for quite awhile now, and own 3. But I do believe in the slaughtering of animals. If any sort of animal slaughtering were to be stopped then there would be an increase of unwanted animals. And with the increase of unwanted animals would come the increase of abuse and neglected animals! Which to me, would honestly be worse!!

    However, I believe that the cruel way that horses[and any other animals] are slaughtered needs to be more humane. Example: They need to be well taken care of, fed, watered, and the actual slaughtering process should be quick and painless.. etc.

    Just my opinion..

  12. Certainly it's immoral, and is scheduled to be more extensive in the taking of no less than another 27,000 wild.

       I mean you no offense, but wonder why you botherd to answer to my PHANTOM Q, and why you might be in the category. I hang out, and happened to notice IT being run on cable, I also have HUNG OUT in theater for 40 plus years. I so want to assume that those who GET IT respond with a bit more courtesy.

       Then I wonder in your profile, "IF I HAD"

      I hope you will have all you dream of, and in duplicate, but I saw no reason for you to be so crass.

  13. I do not care about the points But I am discusted about slaughtering horses.These are gods creatures and they should not die this way.  THey are to beautiful to let there beauty be killed..  I think it should stop because one day there wil be no humans.  One day there wil be no polution and I want there to be as much of horses living there lives to the fullest and if we keep on killing them there will be none to live a life on earth that we wont be able to someday.  So that is what i think about that.  Besides I could never think about selling my horse feeling as though she might end up there someday.

  14. i think it should stop because it cruelty

    people who are heartless,sick,mean *** holes would slaughter any animals its just not right they have a life like us they are like us  do ther isnt one reason for people to be slaughtering animals no young inosent animal should EVER be sold for slaughter they stunn them .. theyr still alive wen stunned and fully consious too and people slit there throats and cut there legs off and gut them WEN THERE STILL ALIVE AND CONSIOUS


  15. Yes definetly horses are such nice animals i love horses and i think it should stop but why do they do it?anyway these are some reasons why slaughter should be stopped


    1.horses are nice animals

    2.its a horrible thing to do

    3.why should horses be slaughtered if aother animals arent allowed to be

    4.horses just wanna live like everything else does

    i hate to think why they would do such terrible things.Anyway i know that some horses have to be put down because people breed them so much but cant they do it a nicer way like poof its over some easy way like that why does it have to be slaughter.

  16. Well, this is a pritty easy question (for me anyways)

    I dont nessacarily think horse slaughter should stop exactly, BUT there NEEDS to be a beter way to put the horse down HUMANLY!!! some horse slaughter plants, slaughter horses in the most brutal, and unthinkable ways. this MUST STOP NOW!!!!!!!!!

  17. Horse slaughter is a terrible thing and many people here have different answers about horse slaughter. I as a horse lover like mnany others here know it is a dreadful thing for  horses to be slaughtered. I dont think it should go on but it will keep going on BUT that doesnt mean we can give them certain guidelines about the slaughter of horses.

    The problem is with this, if we didnt slaughter horses, we would have too many to handle and it would be impossible to keep all the horses alive.

    I know what i said seems like i hate horses but many people will agree with me that when horses get killed at the knackery as it is also known for, they need to do this so we dont live a world with sick horses and the horses over populating.

    Think about this in movies before they did editing if they shot a horse in a movie they actually shot the horse and most of the horses being perfectly healthy. Slaughter is usually only against horses that have founder and problems with their health and cant live the rest of their life proplywithout suffering from excessive pain.

    Anyways as a horse lover i hate the thought of slaughter but it has to be done.

    Anyways i hope that helped you understand a bit.


    p.s. The animal welfare organisations are being over crowded by horses because the slaughter house are having trouble holding the horses.

  18. So you would rather them suffer in the long run?? Not me!! Sad part of life..... What do you do with all the broken, sick, 1/2 dead????? Hay is toooo much for them all to be saved!! Who is going to pay for it all??????

    Please answer my questions.


    Can't anwer my question I take it. You need to educate yourself on this subject on the long run.


    Horse are livestock!!!!! People have been eating horse meat befor time!!!!!!! There is nothing wrong with people eating horse meat!!!! Who are we to tell people they can't eat horse meat???!!! We eat pig & cow some countries don't!  So what is the problem???


  20. I'm on the fence about the subject. It's awful that the slaughter business has led people to actually steal horses from shows and fairgrounds and "backyard horses" just to make more money. And of course the whole slaughtering part is pretty cruel. but then again, some horses that are there are probably going to be put down anyway. (some have diseases and are far beyond veterinary care). So, by slaughtering them, the diseases don't spread around.

    My one wish is that it was done in a more humane way, and that peoples beloved horses don't get stolen!!!!

  21. I think horse slaughter should stop.  It will not as long as there is money to be made.  Raising horses for feedlots is part of production agriculture in Alberta, Saskatchewan, BC and Manitoba.  One feedlot shipping to Japan was originally based in the U..S.  Most of the mares and foals remain in the U.S.   Approximately 30 loads  of horses are shipped to the Canadian feedlot for finishing from its US. location each year.   A recent roll over in the US of a double decker trailer with horses was destined to this lot.  The feedlots shipping horses to Japan are dealing with a high value animal with strict market requirements.  These horses ARE PURPOSE BRED AND STRICTLY RAISED FOR MEAT PRODUCTION.  They have never been someone's riding pony, sport animal or draft horse.

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