
Who thinks it is over for McCain now that he picked Palin?

by Guest57339  |  earlier

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I understand that he wants to attract disenfranchised Clinton supporters. But here is my arguement. He loses his edge against Obama with the experience issue. He may lose support from the republican base that may go for Barr now, very unlikely few for Obama. He could have created a Perot for the 08 election. Perot took enough votes away from Bush Sr. to create a landslide for Clinton. Now if his own party doesn't like the fact she is inexperienced, they may vote for the former republican, enough to make a landslide for Obama.




  1. It was over 3 months ago...

  2. Your right about getting Hillary supporters but we already made up our mind after the speech of the decade made by Obama last night!

  3. I think it was over prior to his pick of Palin.  His VP pick will only solidify the landslide for Obama.

  4. I do mccain =bush no more 4 years of bush.  

  5. It never started for McCain.

  6. Kay is supported by ins exec. Elizabeth needs pills. Miss Alaska eskimo can at 44 do it on her own

  7. If he is trying to attract Hillary Supporters he has struck out.

    Who in the world would put Palin in the same category as Hillary.

    Even the Yahoo spell checker knows that Palin is plain.

  8. I do. once i saw that on Yahoo news, im like d**n. he just lost the election.  

  9. You are so wrong.. The party is re-energized over this pick....

  10. Respectfully, I think you're wrong. This move by McCain was brilliant. It is not Clinton supporters to think about, it is women in general and undecided women specifically. Moreover, Palin is more conservative than McCain and she will solidify the base.

  11. McCain's TOAST!    Experience issue?   Experience doing WHAT.   George W had lots of experience, running businesses into the ground, that the Saudi's paid him for.   Very dissappointing to constantly hear "experience" and about McCain's "5 1/2 years".   If he were a better pilot, perhaps he would not have crashed his 5th jet.  

  12. It took away al ot of his swift boat tactics.  Plus their is the oil connection.  I think he could have gone with a better choice.

    She is however a "maverick" by her own definition and she has led the huge state of Alaska and will almost certainly carry all 3 of its electoral votes.

  13. I feel that the Republicans have all but thrown in the towel this time around and will simply hope Obama screws up so that they can make a run in 2012...why else would they pick Palin other than it won't hurt the party if she goes down with him?

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